Why Voice Commerce is the next big retail revolution?

Maxime Pruvost
3 min readJul 9, 2019
Credit: Bence Boros

Voice commerce is a technology that provides an alternative to navigation and clicks on a mobile or laptop to order and purchase products online. All the customer needs to buy something online using voice commands is an assistant such as Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa.

With the help of voice commerce, buying becomes faster and can be accomplished at any time throughout the day, in seconds.

According to “Adobe Digital Insights 2018” more than 40 percent of consumers own a smart speaker, and that was before Q4 2018 sales. Today, we are still far away from conversational commerce, the primary use for voice commerce is to initiate a search for basic research. According to the same Adobe study, 30 percent of smart speaker owners use them to shop online, but only a small percentage consummate a purchase, even re-order. By 2020, an estimated 50% of search will be made via voice, up from the 20% of Google mobile searches made today. I believe that voice is to the future of retail as walking erect was to human evolution, a critical next step.

Challenging customer experience

Right now, all merchants are showing interest, but of course, not all segments can be immediately addressed by voice commerce: end-users are understandably influenced by price point. You won’t…



Maxime Pruvost

Enthusiastic about building products, coming up with new ideas and transforming them to reality 🚀