Why It’s Time to Eulogize Kanye West

Max Smith
5 min readOct 23, 2018
Jon Tyson — Unsplash

Kanye West has been on a tear lately and we’ve all been stuck trying to decode his meaning.

Is Kanye bipolar?

Is he insane?

Has he lost his mind?

Is he a white conservative in black face?

Is he an arrogant narcissist who refuses to admit when he’s wrong.

Is he a true MAGA supporter? A lover of the D? Someone who believes that Trump is actually making ‘America Great Again,’ despite the obvious question: ‘In what period was America greater than it has been in the decade leading up to the present?’

Facts: West met with Trump in the Oval Office and treated the nation to a 10-minute monologue that left even the ever-vocal White House occupant at a loss for words. During said media op West praised his hero — America’s personal dictator-in-training — slavered over him, then hugged and professed his love for him. After completing his media tour in the Americas, West then picked up and decided to bless the African continent with his goodness. He flew to Uganda, all green neon-ed up, with wife and child in tow, to hand out $220 Yeezys to orphan children and the reigning dictator, Yoweri Museveni. It cannot get wilder than this, can it?



Max Smith

My background: journalism & communications. My goal : to shed light and connect us through our common humanity. Message me for writing/communications projects.