Remap Caps Lock to Emoji on macOS Sierra

Max Schultz
2 min readFeb 23, 2017


I ❤️ emoji nearly as much as I love odd keyboard mappings so this tweet fell out of the sky.

The post prattles on about an Apple patent for the iPad — but I bet we can give this a whirl now. 🔥

Kiss your caps lock goodbye and head to  › System Preferences › Keyboard › Modifier Keys and set Caps Lock (⇪) Key: to No Action.

Install Karabiner Elements, a stripped-down, Sierra-friendly version of Karabiner.

In Karabiner Elements, add a new item to Simple Modifications — we’ll map caps_lock to an unused function key, I chose F17.

Finally, on to System Preferences › Keyboard › Shortcuts and select App Shortcuts. Add a new shortcut and set the Menu Title to Emoji & Symbols.

When prompted to record the keystroke, just press your caps lock — we wired it to F17 remember?

Voilà! Caps lock pulls up the emoji palette — seems to work most places but best when you’re focused inside a text field.


