My Best Friend’s Wife (Ep. 1)

A writer asks his friend to have an affair with his beautiful wife, to help him understand a character in his new novel…

Max Sebastian
12 min readJun 26, 2020


A beautiful brunette enjoys coffee with a male friend
[Image: LightField Studios]


Summer, 2019, back when society was ‘normal’, and we hadn’t even really heard of Wuhan, and Corona was just a brand of beer, I had a few drinks with one of my best friends in all the world, and he looked across the table at me, and asked me if I’d do him an enormous favor — have an affair with his wife.

‘What on Earth are you talking about?’ I said, laughing because I thought he was joking.

‘I’m serious,’ he said, and he certainly seemed serious. He gazed at me with his piercing blue eyes and said, ‘I want to know what it feels like to be cheated on.’

I furrowed my brow, confused. ‘Can’t you just… read about it? I don’t know… there must be books about it.’ I remember wracking my brain, to think of something I’d read from the perspective of a wronged husband. I couldn’t really think of anything offhand. ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover?’

He shook his head. ‘It’s not really what I’m after.’ Well, I suppose that one was from Lady Chatterley’s POV, not so much Clifford’s.



Max Sebastian

Max Sebastian has written erotica for more than 20 years, and specializes in stories about sexy wives and husbands willing to share. More at: