My Best Friend’s Wife (Ep. 2)

Invited to a party at his best friend’s house, he is unsure whether the plan to start an affair is still on

Max Sebastian
14 min readNov 15, 2021


[Image: LightField Studios]


I was browsing through Tinder when I received a text from Freddie, inviting me to a garden party. It gave me a bit of a jolt — firstly, because people didn’t invite me to garden parties. Wasn’t that the kind of thing the Queen held at Buckingham Palace? It seemed disturbingly middle-aged and upper-middle-class to receive such an invite.

The second reason his invitation came with a mild shock was that the last time I’d seen him, Freddie had asked me to have an affair with his gorgeous wife, Anna.

And after that, she had confirmed her desire to engage in such an affair with the most incredible kiss I’d ever experienced.

And now, a garden party.

I felt suddenly quite nervous. The thing was, it had been a few weeks since I’d had drinks after work with Freddie when he’d made that outrageous request for me to commit adultery with his wife.

I’d had lunch with Anna the day after that, to get her take on the whole strange idea, and confirm that she wanted it to happen, too. But since she had…



Max Sebastian

Max Sebastian has written erotica for more than 20 years, and specializes in stories about sexy wives and husbands willing to share. More at: