Maxim VorobjovExpressJS vs Actix-Web: performance and running cost comparisonActix provides 85%+ running cost savings in a heavily loaded environments, while also providing smaller memory footprint and runtime safetyFeb 25, 20209Feb 25, 20209
Maxim VorobjovLinux and Windows in one hybrid Kubernetes clusterAzure provides acs automation for either Linux or Windows based kube agents, though not both. We will use opensource acs-engine tool to…Jul 25, 20171Jul 25, 20171
Maxim VorobjovinComae TechnologiesUpgrading Kubernetes VMs on Azure With No Downtime!After Kubernetes cluster is set up in Azure the VMs sizes cannot be changed via ACS interface, both portal and CLI, while the full cluster…Jul 3, 2017Jul 3, 2017
Maxim VorobjovinComae TechnologiesAzure Search with MongoDB to build scalable full-text searchImplement full text search into web application using MongoDB as a documents store and Azure Search full text index SaaS.Apr 10, 20171Apr 10, 20171