Multiverse Updates

7 min readSep 16, 2022

Where in the world was Maxus?

The Multiverse is built around worldbuilding for a series of novels I’ve been working on for roughly 13 years.

Still working on that novel Brian?

As I collected and reviewed lore from hard-drives and notebooks I became overwhelmed with the realization that the method of delivery was not appropriate. (check it out at … I’ll prob leave it up forever for the memberberries)

So…. I learned how to do some 3D rendering stuff in DaZ. Below are some pics showcasing the new vibe.

Solution’s Outpost Exterior — Solution and Embel

The goal is to make Lore hunting a part of an immersive visual novel. The click-around-the-map portion of the current UX will remain; however, the conversations and lore finding will move to the 3D rendered UX.

Entering Solution’s Outpost


The first major update coming to the Multiverse is the release of the Deantersittim. (I may have, and others may have, referred to these as Multiverse Gods. Idfc what you call them but for the sake of lore, they are distinct from gods.)

Lore: Deantersittim are iterational, they exist within the Multiverse but retain their memories each time Multiverse ends and begins again.

The minting of a Deantersitti requires a user to input three symbols. These symbols comprise the Iozeganak alphabet.

Lore: Iozeganak is the language of Toray, which the Deantersittim adopted in the 42nd iteration. Toray is a God.

There are 17 symbols in Iozeganak. 16 symbols can be used anywhere, and one symbol is reserved for the end of words. This leads to 4352 possible Deantersittim.

The symbol choices change the Deantersitti’s stats and appearance. There are four stats:

  1. Intelligence: Increases success rate for random events throughout the multiverse. Increases yield in some farms.
  2. Creativity: Decreases NFT minting cost throughout the multiverse.
  3. Strength: Increases success rate in combat. Increases yield in some farms.
  4. Clarity: Allows casting of different mathemagical spells.

Every wallet can mint and hold one Deantersitti. You cannot transfer a Deantersitti.

Each stocking holder can mint for free.

Each Skully holder can mint for free.

If you hold 10 Alchemists you can mint for free.

If you hold 69,420 ECHO you can mint for free.

If you have 5 JEMS or 5 Lore books you can mint for free.

The cost to mint is otherwise 20 DAI.

There will be no reserved mints. You are not guaranteed a mint just because you meet the criteria for a free one.


Every Deantersitti is a Mathemagician, the spells they can cast, determined by their Clarity. Some spells only affect you, but most affect the entire Multiverse.

All Deantersitti can cast:
Expand — The Expand spell rebases $DISTRI (will be airdropped to Distributon holders) if it goes above peg.
Contract — The Contract spell rebases $DISTRI if it falls below peg.

Deantersitti with at least 1 Clarity can cast:
Fuse([LORE]) — The Fuse spell allows the combination of a set of specific Lore ERC 1155’s into an ERC 721 Lore Collection.

Deantersitti with at least 3 Clarity can cast:
Study(LORE Collection, $MUNNY Burned) — Studying a lore collection grants the user a temporary, 24 hour, boost in Clarity. The boost is 0.01*A where A is the amount of $MUNNY burned when the spell is cast.

Deantersitti with at least 4 Clarity can cast:
Enhance(stat) — The Enhance spell increases K by 1 for a given stat. This increases the jump in stat increase between casts of Genesis. It costs 10 $MUNNY to cast. The caster gets a permanent 50% discount on their first mint of each Tattoo with that stat.

Deantersitti with MAX Clarity can cast:
Genesis(stat) — The Genesis spell creates a new Tattoo for sale at a pub. Each cast of Genesis burns 1 $MUNNY. Genesis increases the stat-increase by 0.01*(K + 1). The caster can mint their first Tattoo for free.

To clarify, each Pub sells a single Tattoo at any given moment in time. When equipped by a Deantersitti, the Tattoo boosts the stat associated with that Pub. When a user casts Genesis on a stat, the Tattoo being sold at the corresponding Pub changes permanently.

If no one has cast Enhance on Intelligence, and if the current tattoo gives +1 Intelligence, the new tattoo for sale after casting Genesis on Intelligence will give +1.01 Intelligence. If cast again immediately, the new tattoo will give +1.02 Intelligence.

Tattoos cannot be removed and duplicate tattoos cannot be equipped. You can equip a +1 and a +1.01 but not two +1.01 NFTs.

The Paradox Pub

If you know where to find it, the Paradox Pub will also be getting a makeover.

Paradox Pub

While there are quite a few folks to chat with, you’ll want to chat with Paradox Penni at the bar if you’re looking to claim your $PENNI.

Paradox Penni

The Paradox Pub is the Intelligence Pub, located just outside of Truth, has been open for over a year now.

An empty Paradox Pub

The Pub is getting one new pool along with its makeover.

The old MUNNY-PENNI pool is retiring and a PENNI-DAI pool will be added in its place.The emission multipliers will be:

  1. PENNI-DAI 4000
  2. QUANTA 100
  3. PENNI 10
  4. EYE 1

I also heard a rumor that Paradox Penni will be dropping some crazy NFTs to celebrate the makeover.

Paradox Penni

Sometime after the makeover, Penni will start selling Intelligence boosting Tattoo NFTs for your Deantersittim. They can be bought with $PENNI.

The plans for the remaining three pubs mirror The Paradox Pub.

The Palette Pub

This is the Creativity Pub. Just outside Deliland. Its owner is Palette Pari.

Palette Pari
  1. PARI-DAI 4000
  2. QUANTA 100
  3. PARI 10
  4. mgDELI 1

The Punchy Pub

This is the Strength Pub. Just outside Combat. Its owner is Punchy Pixi.

Punchy Pixi
  1. PIXI-DAI 4000
  2. QUANTA 100
  3. PIXI 10

The Paragon Pub

This is the Clarity Pub. Just outside The Builders. Its owner is Pori.

Paragon Pori
  1. PORI-DAI 4000
  2. QUANTA 100
  3. PORI 10

Farmgod DAO Governance

Governance power will be migrated from ECHO, to govECHO.

10 govECHO can be minted by burning 69,420 ECHO.


  1. ECHO is no longer going to be used for governance.
  2. New governance token, govECHO, can be minted by burning ECHO
  3. 10 govECHO = 69,420 ECHO
  4. 10 govECHO required to author governance proposals.
  5. govECHO does not have a reflect mechanism like ECHO.
  6. Minimum mint is 1 govECHO.
  7. Voting power is the square-root of your govECHO Balance.
  8. In order to use some new features of a future Farmgod Dashboard update, you must have at least 1 govECHO.

I simply want to move away from reflection tokens when it comes to governance and staking. Each govECHO token can be minted by burning 69,420 ECHO.

Your voting power is SQRT(govECHO balance).

govECHO will be a cross-chain asset. Its Fantom LP will be incentivized at Quanta Company (I’m aware the site is down at the moment). Other LPs will be incentivized on other chains.

Multiverse Clubs and the Quanta ClubHub

The ClubHub allows users to deploy & interact with multiverse clubs. Users must have a Deantersittim.

1 $QCLUB can be minted by burning $10 worth of one of these LPs:


Lock QCLUB for 1-month for sQCLUB 1:1

A multiverse club has:

  1. Club Name
  2. Bouncer Bribe = [1,10] sQCLUB
  3. Club Reward Token
  4. Optional. Club Deantersittim Tattoo NFT (aesthetic, never changes stats)

To open a club, a user must have at least 100 sQCLUB.

In order to get in to a club, a user has to bribe the bouncer. The maximum bribe is the lower of: 10% of the club owner’s sQCLUB balance or 10 sQCLUB.

You get this bribe back. Half is claimable after one hour. The other half, after 7 days.

The Reward token is supplied by the club owner. It is emitted to the Club members at a rate such that the supply is distributed in 4 weeks.

The Tattoo NFT contract must be approved by the DAO via govECHO governance.

The Tattoo NFTs are mints for club members. 24 hours after the Bribe is paid, the member can mint the tattoo by forfeiting their first 24 hours of rewards. Claiming the club rewards before minting the tattoo renders minting impossible :P

Quanta Company

At present, there are two pools on Quanta Company, MUNNY-FTM and EYE-FTM Spooky LP. This will change in the near future.

  1. Eye-FTM pair will be discontinued.
  2. The primary liquidity for MUNNY will change from MUNNY-FTM to MUNNY-DAI
  3. All LPs moving to SpiritSwap V2

There will be four permanent pairs for Quanta Company:

  3. govECHO-MUNNY

10% of QUANTA emissions will be allocated to the Incubator, which hosts pairs for Universes that have not started. For now, that will be SPINFOAM-DAI.

Multiverse Liquidity

The EYE pair is moving to a new home.

I have a separate post explaining the future of The Truth Universe, nearly ready….Tomorrow for sure.

Candles and Eyes and shit.

