What do I do if my cat catches a pigeon in the park?

4 min readOct 25, 2022


What do I do if my cat catches a pigeon?

Cats are natural predators and it is common for them to chase after small animals, such as birds.

cat catch pigeon image source

If your cat catches a pigeon, the best thing you can do is to let it finish its meal. The more you interfere with your cat’s hunting habits, the more likely it will be that they will take their prey outside of your home.

The most important thing to remember is not to punish or scold your cat for catching a pigeon. This can lead to unwanted behaviors in the future and make them scared of being near you or other people.

Why do cats hunt pigeons?

Since cats are predatory animals, I’d say it is simply instinct to kill smaller animals.

Cats are predatory animals and as such, it is their instinct to kill smaller animals. Though some people see this as cruel, it is simply a part of who cats are.

Though some people think cats are being exploited, it is important to consider that this is simply a part of who they are. Cats were domesticated in Egypt and became popular pets because they were good at catching mice. The Egyptians found humor in this and would often show off their cats’ skills with a ball of yarn. Domestic cats have been living with humans for the past 10,000 years.

Cat try to catch pigeons in the park

Cat try to catch pigeon in the pigeon park while visitor feeding them

According to historians, domestication of cats began in the Middle East around 10,000 years ago. Cats have been a valuable and trusted animal companion for humans even before they were officially domesticated. Cats were first tamed by Egyptians who used them to control pests like rodents, which would destroy crops.

Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years. Farmers in ancient Egypt first began keeping wild cats on their property as a way to keep rodents and other pests away from their crops.

Cats have been domesticated for thousands of years. Farmers in ancient Egypt first began keeping wild cats on their property as a way to keep rodents and other pests away from their crops. Cats were popular in these regions because they killed rats, snakes, and scorpions that could harm crops. As time went on, cats became an important part of the Egyptian culture and were worshipped as gods.

Should I punish my cat for killing birds?

Some people believe that punishing the cat will teach it not to kill birds. But this is not true. Punishing the cat for a behaviour that it cannot control will only make it more afraid of you and may lead to more behaviour problems in future.

Cats are natural predators and killing birds is part of their instinctive behaviour, which is why they should be allowed to live freely outdoors.

The best way to stop your cat from killing birds is by providing an alternative prey for them like a toy mouse or a laser pointer.

You might be a cat person, but there is no denying that your furry feline friend can be a negative force for the local bird population. Cats are natural hunters, and will kill birds to play with them or as a form of prey. In order to keep your cat from killing birds, you should provide an alternative prey for them such as a toy mouse or laser pointer.

How do I stop my cat from killing animals?

This is a difficult question and it’s not clear what the best answer is. If your cat is killing animals in your house, you should try to figure out why they are doing this. Is there a smell that they are attracted to? Are they hungry? You should also make sure that you have food available for them at all times and make sure that cats have plenty of toys to play with.

Pets are a lot like people. They need to eat, sleep, and play. Part of your responsibility as their owner is to provide them with all three of these basic necessities.

If you suspect that the cat is killing animals outside, then you should start by putting up a fence around your yard or garden. You could also use motion-activated sprinklers or lasers to deter the animal from coming near your home.

Whether you have a pet or not, your home is your sanctuary. It’s where you go to be safe and feel at ease. Animals can often be an intrusion and they are not always well received. However, it can be difficult to keep animals from coming into your home when you don’t want them there. Motion-activated sprinklers or lasers could help deter the animal from coming near the house.

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