- Manta Stone Airdrop is a campaign that rewards users who bridge ETH or USDC from Ethereum mainnet to Manta Network, a new layer 2 solution that aims to provide privacy and scalability for decentralized applications.

- To participate in the airdrop, you need to have an invitation code, which you can find by searching #mantanewparadigm on X, a social media platform for crypto enthusiasts, or by asking your friends who are already in the network. Invitation code: MANTA

- Once you have the code, you need to visit the Manta Network airdrop page, connect your Manta Pacific wallet and/or Polkadot wallet, and follow the instructions to bridge over some ETH or USDC. You need to bridge over a minimum of 0.25 ETH or USDC to start earning rewards, but you can bridge more to increase your chances of getting more tokens.

- The rewards consist of two types: Airdrop Rewards and Airdrop Bonus Rewards. Airdrop Rewards account for 3% of the total token supply and will allocate 30,000,000 MANTA tokens to Manta Atlantic and Manta Pacific users and supporters. Airdrop Bonus Rewards account for 1% of the total token supply and will allocate 10,000,000 MANTA tokens to users who achieve certain goals, such as inviting more friends, staking more tokens, or using more dApps on Manta Network.

- The airdrop period will last for 69 days, from January 18th to March 28th, 2024. During this time, you will also earn Box Pieces, which are fragments of boxes that contain Manta Network NFTs. These NFTs will be redeemable for financial rewards on the network and will unlock additional privileges, such as early access, governance rights, and exclusive events.

- Within 24 hours of bridging, you will also receive STONE tokens for ETH deposits or wrapped USDM tokens for USDC deposits on Manta Pacific L2. These tokens are liquid and usable within Manta Network. You can use them to lend, stake, or trade on various platforms, such as Shoebill Finance, Mountain Protocol, or MantaSwap. By doing so, you can earn more yield on top of your airdrop rewards.

To claim your rewards, you need to visit the Manta Network airdrop page again and click on the “Claim” button. You will need to pay a small fee in MANTA tokens to cover the gas costs. The rewards will be distributed to your Manta Pacific wallet and/or Polkadot wallet, depending on your preference.




Maxwell Sterling

Passionate crypto explorer delving into the world of blockchain. Advocating for decentralized finance and sharing insights along the way!