How to Boost Your Creativity In Just 7 Minutes

And overcome writer’s block immediately.

Max Wesener
2 min readApr 8, 2022
Image created by the author.

Creativity is essential for a lot of different types of work, especially for writing.

There is something called “writer’s block”, which prevents or slows the writer down when trying to produce new work.

I bet you know the feeling of sitting in front of an empty word document, not being able to get into a state of flow.

This is frustrating.

In the past, I often used to suffer from what I thought was writer’s block.

To solve that problem, I composed a simple toolset that acts as an antidote to writer’s block and boosts creativity in general.

Here it is:

I. First of all, stop believing in writer’s block. I’m serious.

We can give simple problems a lot more power over ourselves if we make them big in our heads.

Think about a “haunted house”.

If you believe in ghosts, staying there for a few hours at night will be terrifying.

As long as you believe in something, it has an effect on you.

By believing in ghosts, you allow them to become real in the sense that they affect your mind and body.

