Intensity Vs. Consistency

And why you should always prioritize the latter.

Max Wesener
2 min readJan 8, 2022
Image created by the author.

Why are you working on yourself?

I assume you want to make progress toward your goals and achieve long-lasting success — however you define it.

But let’s be honest here. How consistent are you with your actions and habits?

Speaking to my clients revealed that ALL of them have the same problem that I used to struggle with: a lack of consistency.

Most people try to take massive action every time they are “motivated” after watching an inspirational Youtube video.

But they fall off as soon as the initial excitement wears off.

They attempt to make massive changes to their lives on good days but fall off track on bad days.

Does that sound like you?

Now, one thing I do with my clients very early on is help them to prioritize consistency over intensity.

It doesn’t matter how perfect your workout in the gym was today if you only exercise once or twice a week when you feel like it.

It doesn’t matter how concentrated you were able to work on your side-hustle today if fall back into a rut after a week.

