
TICK STACK Components

  • Telegraf
  • Influxdb
  • Chronograf
  • Kapacitor


docker-app deploy

Check the status of Docker Swarm Services

docker service ls

Remove Docker Swarm TICK Stack

docker stack rm tick

Access Chronograf

open http://localhost:8888
Chronograf Dashboard

TICK Architecture

Telegraf in Example GitHub Repository is Configured for :

  • Consul
  • Elasticsearch
  • RabbitMQ
  • ActiveMQ
  • Ping

If you are a Grafana user then here are some useful Dashboards:

Grafana Dashboards:


  • Chronograf have labels setup if you are interested to run it behind Traefik

I hope this post has helped you. If you enjoyed this article, please don’t forget to clap 👏, comment and share! I would love to know what you think and would appreciate your thoughts on this topic. You can also follow me on Medium, GitHub, and Twitter for more updates.

