Customer recap: Catching up with Pierre Mosley of Tiki Republic

Maxym Martineau
3 min readDec 15, 2016


Editor’s note: We’re checking in with Pierre Mosley of Tiki Republic to talk about his exciting accomplishments. If you want to learn more about his business, read the original post and follow Tiki Republic on Facebook and Twitter.

1. What business milestones have you achieved since we last spoke?

I’ve been networking like crazy — in person, on Twitter, in different Facebook groups for tiki collectors, backyard tikis, Tiki AZ, Tiki AZ Marketplace, Tiki Central … Just touching base with a lot of different people. I’ve noticed that my products do well when I’m at events where customers can purchase items in person. They enjoy meeting the artist and getting signatures on items like the tiki mugs.

Tiki Republic Tiki

2. What has been your biggest challenge? How did you overcome it?

Tiki Republic is based out of Mesa, Ariz., so I have to deal with the City of Mesa’s business license that only allows me to sell online and not out of my home, which is challenging. I think that as the Tiki Republic name grows, so will my online sales. My best sales opportunities right now are at island-themed or retro island-themed events in Arizona and California.

Many of my tikis are of actual gods from the South Pacific Islands. Because of this, I’m getting noticed and respected within the Polynesian community, which is hard to do.

Tiki Republic Poolside

3. What new technology or business practices are you looking to learn? What skills do you want to further develop?

Tiki Republic Logo

I’m looking to work with pool building companies to expand tiki sales. I’m also gearing up for the 2017 AZ Aloha Festival. Sales are good there. I was approached after the last AZ Aloha Festival to provide two large tikis for the main concert stage, which is sponsored by Hawaiian Airlines. Getting the culture behind the tikis right, as opposed to just carving random tikis that look cool without meaning, pays dividends.

4. What are your upcoming plans for 2017?

I’ll be venturing to the different Hawaiian islands to network whenever I’m not putting in 10-hour days at the airport or carving. There’s opportunity to move the tiki mugs, hats, decals and some other apparel designs that I’ve created. It’s been a challenge, but I knew that it would be from the start.

Best of luck to you in 2017. Thanks again for catching up with us, Pierre!

Originally published at Garage.

