Rethinking learning during COVID19: Outcomes from the MIT Arab SciTech Virtual IDEAthon

Maya Murad
7 min readMay 24, 2020


‘Learn From Home’ virtual IDEAthon took place April 18

A month ago, the MIT Arab Student Organization launched a virtual IDEAthon with the theme ‘Learn from Home: Rethinking Learning during the COVID-19 Crisis’. The IDEAthon was the first step to tackle the challenges facing more than 200 million students in the MENA region who had their education disrupted due the current global pandemic.

The goal of the IDEAthon is to develop a large quantity of high impact ideas that can improve current educational outcomes in the MENA region.

More than 250 people from 25 countries participated in the MIT Arab SciTech Virtual IDEAthon on April 18th. Over the course of the half-day event, participants worked with their mentors to define the right problem statements, brainstorm solutions, and demo their proposals. In total, 42 teams pitched their ideas to a group of judges. The top 10 ideas were selected to receive further support from the IDEAthon team.

Quick highlights from the event include design thinking workshops, a live ‘Oud break’ from Palestinian musician Mohammed AbuMosallam, as well as a keynote speech from Rama Chakaki, Founder and Executive Director of The recordings of the day are available here and here.

Top 10 Finalists

Each of the finalists had ~3 weeks to refine their solutions with the help of their mentors. We will be offering seed funding and implementation support to the most promising ideas.

Below, we included brief descriptions of the top 10 ideas submitted. If you wish to get in touch with any of the participating teams, please contact the organizers at

Accessible Remote Learning

Over 5% of the world’s population has disabling hearing loss, and students with hearing disabilities demonstrate lower educational attainment levels. In a remote learning context, accessibility of educational content for students with hearing impairments is particularly challenging in the Arab world because of the need for live sign language interpretation

Accessible Remote Learning solution description

To solve this challenge, ARL are developing an extension that can be plugged in online learning websites which translates speech to sign language in real time through an animated avatar.


In Morocco, the education gap between the urban and rural areas is staggering. The high school enrollment rate is ~10% in rural areas vs 50% in urban areas. There is a high drop-off rate between middle school and high school for children from rural villages as their schools are often located far away and they lack the right support tools. The current pandemic only exacerbates this situation, leaving more than two million rural students at risk.

Quotes from two children from under-resourced villages in Morocco

AnaMa3ak is a free smartphone app for iOS and Android that connects under-privileged students with retired school teachers so they can provide them with after-school assistance. The app is optimized for low data usage.

Coffee Break

Networking is crucial for peer-to-peer exchange and learning. Yet, social isolation limits opportunities to meet, check-in, and network organically with peers and connections.

Coffee Break’s solution: introducing serendipity into digital networking

Coffee Break’s solution is a video platform with a strong focus on creating networks within existing communities by introducing spontaneity. Their platform allows people to bump into others while “visiting different floors” and passively nudges them to meet new people on the room.


In the past years, young Saudi students showed great potential in the field of scientific research, gaining more than 80 medals and awards. Despite high willingness to be participate in scientific research, only few students have access to lab facilities and research opportunities.

Connect’s App Screens

Connect is an app that can facilitate remote participation into research activities by connecting students to research centers as well as to research mentors. Connect aims to improve the coordination between existing research labs and improve their reach.

Low student engagement in class is aggravated during the COVID-19 crisis. Initial research shows that most parents and teachers notice a difference in the engagement of students when at home, with the key pain points being lack of access to methodological and contextual information. The most impacted age group are students between 6 and 15 years old.

Demo of DARSE in action

DARSE is a digital augmented reality student engagement platform that aims to make studying at home engaging and interactive. Students can use their smartphones to access additional education content via AR. They can also create their own content that can be shared with their peers and teachers.


Mental health is difficult topic in the MENA region. Parents often lack the skills to adequately deal with their children’s mental and behavioral challenges. As families are spending more time together due to the pandemic, parents need adequate tools to help their children.

iCare’s value proposition

iCare is a team of psychologists from Syria that are developing a mobile app that provides remote consultations as well educational content for parents and teens.


The current pandemic prompts us to rethink the established educational model which is highly vulnerable to teacher availability, school budgets, etc. How can we develop a new and improved educational model, which performs robustly under extreme conditions?

IgnoVac’s educational framework

IgnoVac is an empathy-based educational system that creates self-sufficient learners who positively impact society. The system engages students through project-based problems chosen from a predefined set of societal systems.

IgnoVac will be launching a pilot program in refugee camps in Jordan this summer.


For millions of students in the MENA region, education in the time of a pandemic is simply not an option. Not everyone has Internet access, and a transition to online learning makes this gap even worse. For several families, the cost of an internet subscription is a heavy financial burden they cannot afford to bear in times of reduced employment and increased hazard such as these ones.

MENAnet’s internet sharing solution

MENAnet builds infrastructure that enables people to have access to inexpensive and reliable networks. By signing up for MENAnet’s subscription model, we are allowing existing users to share their unused internet for a low fee and get bill credits to lower their monthly payment.


Low resource students in KSA are particularly vulnerable during the COVID-19 crisis. In particular, they lack access to quality peer-to-peer learning opportunities.

Moyaser’s Beta pilot stage

The majority of students and households in KSA have access to phones. Moyaser(ä) leverages this to provide a fair platform that connects students to mentors that assist them with school work and college applications. Moyaser(ä) had a successful Alpha pilot and is currently planning their wider Beta release.


For Arab kids ages 10–18, there is not enough post-classroom support due to a lack of digital & engaging Arabic educational content. It is estimated that only 3% of content on the internet is in Arabic, while Arabic speakers make up more than 7% of the global population.

Ilmuna’s solution

Ilmuna is a social media app for MENA students to upload creative educational videos on school subject matter in Arabic. Submissions will be incentivized through contests.

Ilmuna is planning to go to market by July 2020.

On behalf of our mentors, partners and the rest of the organizing team, thank you to everyone who participated in the MIT Arab SciTech Virtual IDEAthon!

We were impressed by the level commitment you showed us, your ability to tackle challenges you are seeing in your communities, as well as the overall creativity you demonstrated.

Virtual IDEAthon organizing team and mentor group -special thanks to Ahmad Sukkar
Virtual IDEAthon partners & advisory group

This story has also been featured by MIT News.



Maya Murad

Interdisciplinary tech strategist living between Boston and Beirut. I write about ethics in AI, innovation ecosystems, and my creative coding experiments.