All About The Gliese 667 C System

A new frontier for habitable planets

Maya Hayden
3 min readJun 26, 2024

Just 30 years ago, we had no proof of planets outside our solar system. Today, thanks to technological advancements, we’ve discovered over 5,300 exoplanets, including many that are similar to Earth. Gliese 667 C system, which is only 23 light-years away in the Scorpius constellation, is one of the most fascinating discoveries.

Photo by David Menidrey on Unsplash

A Trio of Stars

The Gliese 667 system has three stars: Gliese 667 A, B, and C. The star that catches our interest is Gliese 667 C, a small and dim red dwarf. Despite its size, Gliese 667 C has a rich planetary system, initially thought to have three planets. However, further study revealed up to six planets, with three or four of them possibly being habitable.

What Are Super-Earths?

Super-Earths are planets larger than Earth but smaller than gas giants like Jupiter. These planets can be rocky or have a mix of rock and ice, with atmospheres that might support life. The potentially habitable planets in the Gliese 667 C system are in the “habitable zone,” where conditions could allow for liquid water.

Key Planets in the Gliese 667 C System

