Mohamed Mayallo
Mohamed Mayallo

🔵 I found my passion in Computer Science as a Software Engineer after shifting my career from Civil Engineering, I have over 4 years of experience working on various projects as a Backend and Fullstack Developer. 🔵 My technical skills include: ✅ Languages: Node.js (Express, Nest), Javascript (Angular, Vue, Typescript) ✅ Databases: SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server), NoSQL (MongoDB) ✅ Tools: Git, Rest, GraphQL, Docker, Firebase, Nginx ✅ Methodologies: OOP (Object Oriented Programming), TDD (Test Driven Development), Unit Testing 🔵 I'm very passionate about anything related to System Design, Distributed Systems, Design Patterns, and Clean Code. 🔵 I really love blogging, and you can find my blog here 👉 🔥 and, I'm open to learning anything new. 🔵 I love connecting with new people, you can reach me at 👉 🔵 Feel free to say Hi on LinkedIn at 👉

Mohamed Mayallo

Mohamed Mayallo

I’m a Software Engineer Passionate about Clean Code, Design Patterns, and System Design. Feel free to say Hi on LinkedIn at