How to Deal with Arrogant People in Project Management

Mayank Agarwal
4 min readJun 15, 2024


Photo by Andre Hunter on Unsplash

Dealing with arrogant people in project management can be a challenging yet necessary task for ensuring the smooth progress and success of a project. Arrogance can manifest in various ways, such as dismissive attitudes, refusal to collaborate, or a general disregard for team input. These behaviors can create a toxic work environment, leading to decreased morale, productivity issues, and even project failures if not addressed properly. Here’s a comprehensive approach to managing arrogance within project management.

Firstly, it’s essential to recognize the impact of arrogance on a team. Arrogant individuals often believe they are superior, leading them to undermine the contributions of others. This can stifle creativity and innovation as team members may feel their ideas are not valued. Moreover, it can create a divide within the team, fostering an environment of competition rather than collaboration. The initial step in addressing this issue is to establish a clear understanding of the team dynamics and identify how the arrogant behavior affects the project.

Communication is a fundamental tool in managing arrogance. It’s crucial to foster an environment where open and honest communication is encouraged. Project managers should set the tone by demonstrating respect, active listening, and appreciation for all team members’ contributions. When an arrogant individual disrupts this environment, it’s important to address the behavior promptly. This can be done through private, one-on-one conversations where the issue can be discussed without the person feeling attacked or embarrassed in front of their peers. During these conversations, it’s vital to be specific about the behaviors that are problematic and explain how they impact the team and project outcomes.

Setting clear expectations and boundaries is another critical strategy. Project managers should establish a code of conduct that outlines acceptable behaviors and the importance of mutual respect within the team. This code of conduct should be communicated clearly at the project’s outset and reinforced regularly. When an individual exhibits arrogance, referencing this established code can help in addressing their behavior objectively, rather than personally. This approach can make it easier to highlight that it’s the behavior that needs changing, not the individual themselves.

In some cases, arrogance may stem from a lack of awareness or understanding of the project goals and the contributions of others. Providing regular feedback and involving the arrogant individual in team discussions and decision-making processes can sometimes mitigate their behavior. By ensuring they see the value in the diverse perspectives and skills within the team, they may begin to appreciate the contributions of others more. This inclusion can also give them a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the project’s success, potentially curbing their arrogant tendencies.

Training and development opportunities can also play a significant role in addressing arrogance. Offering workshops on emotional intelligence, teamwork, and leadership can help individuals develop the skills needed to interact more effectively with their peers. These programs can provide insights into the negative impact of arrogance and offer strategies for developing a more collaborative and respectful approach. Encouraging arrogant team members to participate in these programs can be a constructive way of addressing the issue without singling them out or making them feel targeted.

Sometimes, despite best efforts, an individual’s arrogance may persist and continue to disrupt the project. This can involve bringing the matter to the attention of higher management or human resources to seek further guidance and support. Documentation of the behavior and previous attempts to address it can be helpful in these situations. Escalation should be considered a last resort, as it can create tension within the team, but it’s important to prioritize the project’s success and the well-being of the team.

In addition to these strategies, it’s crucial for project managers to lead by example. Demonstrating humility, openness, and a willingness to learn can set a powerful precedent for the rest of the team. When team members see their leader valuing each person’s input and managing conflicts with grace, they are more likely to emulate these behaviors. This can gradually shift the team culture towards one of mutual respect and collaboration, reducing the impact of any single individual’s arrogance.

Dealing with arrogance in project management is undoubtedly challenging, but it is not insurmountable. By fostering open communication, setting clear expectations, involving all team members, providing training, and leading by example, project managers can effectively mitigate the negative impact of arrogance. It requires patience, consistency, and sometimes difficult conversations, but the result is a more cohesive, productive, and positive project environment. Ultimately, addressing arrogance head-on can transform potential disruptions into opportunities for growth and improvement within the team.

