From Daunting to Achievable: Transforming Career Mindset and Side Hustle Potential.

Mayank Gogia
2 min readMay 17, 2023


In today’s fast-paced world, the mere mention of the word “business” can send shivers down our spines.

The idea of building a successful career can feel daunting, with countless expectations and pressures attached to it.

However, there’s a remarkable shift happening, as more individuals find solace and accomplishment in their side hustles.

So, what if we change our perception and start viewing our careers as a means of survival?

Perhaps by lightening the weight and taking a more relaxed approach, we can make better decisions and ultimately find fulfillment.

The Achievability of Side Hustles

It’s fascinating how many people thrive in their side ventures. The concept of a side hustle feels more attainable, allowing individuals to tap into their passions, explore new avenues, and achieve success on their own terms. By embracing this mindset, we can unlock our entrepreneurial spirit and discover hidden potential we never knew existed.

Rethinking Careers: Survival, not Daunting

Let’s challenge the conventional notion of a career. Instead of viewing it as a daunting climb up a predetermined ladder, what if we see it as a means of survival? By reframing our perspective, we can alleviate the unnecessary pressure and anxiety associated with the traditional career path. When we prioritize survival and adaptability, we become more open to opportunities and better equipped to make decisions that align with our true selves.

The Paradox of Taking Things Seriously

Ironically, the more seriously we take something, the less likely we are to take action. We often find ourselves paralyzed by the weight of expectations, fearing failure or judgment. However, true progress and success come from embracing an action-oriented mindset. By freeing ourselves from the burden of career, status, and societal norms, we can regain our natural inclination to take action and make things happen.

Breaking Free from Complacency

Personal experience has taught me that when I never took my career or status seriously, I was an incredibly action-oriented individual. However, as I started attaching greater importance to these aspects, I noticed a growing complacency seeping in. It’s time to reclaim our drive, challenge ourselves, and break free from the limitations imposed by these labels. By cultivating an action-oriented mindset once again, we can achieve remarkable growth and create our own path to success.


In this journey called life, we often find ourselves caught up in the pursuit of success, career advancements, and societal validation. But what if we shift our perspective?

By embracing a new mindset, viewing our careers as a means of survival, and approaching side hustles as attainable ventures, we can regain our true essence and ignite the fire within.

Let’s challenge ourselves to take decisive action, redefine success on our own terms, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment.



Mayank Gogia

Journaling is Life. Walk Enthusiast. Freedom>Anything Else.