GSoC’ 24 with Red Hen Lab — Modeling Wayfinding

1 min readMay 2, 2024


This blog is maintained by Mayank Palan about the updates on the progress of the project ‘Modeling Wayfinding’ associated with Red Hen Lab as a part of the GSoC 2024 program.

Hello Everyone!

I am Mayank Palan, a sophomore , majoring in Information Technology from Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute.
I am glad to announce that my proposal to Red Hen Lab for the Google Summer of Code 2024 program has been accepted. I will be working on the project -‘Modeling Wayfinding’ over the summer.

Project Details

Title : ‘Modeling Wayfinding’

Mentors: Mark Turner, Francis Steen, Ankit Gupta, Homa Hosseinmardi, Rajesh Kasturirangan, Santanu Chakraborty

Abstract : This project aims to develop a mathematical and computational model of human decision-making using the Wayfinding theory, a process where individuals navigate through a complex space of possible actions.
The project models how individuals make decisions when faced with limited time and cognitive resources, leading to choices that are formally sub-optimal yet resource-rational.

# This blog will get updated as the project proceeds.

