Post #5

Maya Ortega
4 min readNov 15, 2018


Throughout my recent research I have been exploring a very important issue that is affecting many young adults and possibly even older, in America today. That issue is the rise of college tuition in the United States. This topic was the first issue that came to mind because it is something that is not only affecting me, but my friends, classmates, and many college students across the country. To further my research analysis, I decided to conduct a study to analyze what my peers thought on the rise of college tuition and if it really is unaffordable. I asked basic demographics, along with peoples view on college tuition, and if it is or not affecting them. My end goal for this survey was to analyze what my participants thought on this crisis and if they agreed on my personal view.

Many students dream of going to college, but never really realized the true cost of attending until applying. From the beginning of the application process there is a fee, and it is only the beginning. College applications range from a variety of costs, and is very expensive depending on the amount of schools one is applying to. Basically, one is paying for a yes or no answer from the college(s) of their choice. Yes, unlike many countries Americans are allowed to have a great upper level education, but it is not easy. Academically it is a challenge, however paying for it is an even bigger one. As I was furthering research on this topic, it came to my

attention that students drop out from college with only their name on a great amount of debt and no diploma. Knowing that this is the hard truth, I could not help but wonder “is it all worth it?”

In my research I wanted to figure out what my peers thought on this issue that may or may not be affecting them. My survey had a specific group and was only sent to current college students or people who have attended. In my survey, besides basic demographics I asked a variety of questions on college tuition and whether or not it is affordable. One straightforward question I asked was, “Do you believe the cost of college education in America is too high?” Out of my participants, all twenty answered “yes.” This was clearly no shock to me, and it was as if I asked a dumb question. However, it was something that I needed to ask due to the fact that many college students have different ways they pay their college tuition. Whether that is loans, financial aid, etc. college will always be an expensive cost to someone.

The second question that helped further my analysis was “Has the increasing cost of completely impacted your ability to pay?” I was very tempted to not use this question in my survey because I do not know these participants salary or family salary. Some students may not have to worry about paying for college, while others are taking out loans and working many long hours just to attend college. However, I did figure this survey was going to be anonymous and further asked. Out of all twenty participants, ninety percent of them answered “yes” and ten percents responded with “no.” This to me was quite shocking due to the fact that many people have different ways of paying college tuition. From my participants, twelve and a half responded that their parents pay for their tuition and being that this is more than half of my correspondents, I would have thought that their view may have been a little different. However, the price of college tuition does always affect someone, that being the college student or not.

From my survey it had come down to simply answering “yes” or “no” to the question “Is college tuition in America too high?” Although only twenty people participated in my survey, it is still a clear message to everyone around the United States and the world that tuition costs around the U.S. are outrageous. Not only are students getting affected by this, but the future kids who will be attending college are more than likely to have a more expensive rate than now. It is unbelievable to me that this education system rather take the money of many students who cannot afford rather than helping. Yes, there is financial aid, scholarships, loans etc. but, financial aid (although covers a great amount) still may not be enough, scholarships are one thing but not awarded to all, and loans are something that must be paid back plus an added on interest rate. The main point of my research survey was to prove (from actual college students) that college education should not be rising in cost. These students are trying to pursue an education with the end result of receiving their dream job. However, this will not and cannot happen in many students’ lives because the price of college tuition is unaffordable, resulting in students dropping out and never attending college again.



Maya Ortega

Hello! My name is Maya and I am a second year college student at SFSU.