The Importance of Being Lazy

Sometimes being unproductive in the short term makes us more productive in the long term

Maya Strong
3 min readApr 16, 2019
Photo by Kate Stone Matheson on Unsplash

Since moving to the city, I have been working my tail off. No days off, no R&R, no fun time, snipping corners on self-care left and right; that has been the status quo for the past three months. When I arrived here, I was homeless and jobless. I kept the mindset that I would have free time once I was in a stable place. Now, with a fuller financial situation and a place of my own lined up, it’s safe to say that I have come a long way from where I began. The hustle-or-die mindset, however, does not dissipate with ease. It has, unsurprisingly, started wearing me to the bone.

My last few pieces on Medium haven’t done so hot. It’s been a while since I was last curated. I would like to blame the powers that be, shake a fist at the Allusive Algorithm and call it a day. I know, deep down, that the dip in quality of my work correlates to my quality of life taking a nosedive. Today, I did my best to crank out a half decent piece. I hit publish feeling less than pleased with what I put out, but I was too tired to tinker with it any further.

I slipped into a pocket of depression after that. I binged on YouTube and Oreos and took a long nap. I woke up to a tension migraine and hated myself, my choices. I took…



Maya Strong

Intersectional feminist. Everyday activist. Out/proud sapphic woman(ish). She/they. For the rest, read my words. Say hi @