May BaMaung
1 min readJun 20, 2016
Old image of the software

HBO’s Silicon Valley: UX Lessons for Pied Piper

UX Lesson #1: You are not the user.

In an earlier episode, Monica was the only Beta tester unenthralled with the Pied Piper experience. Fast forward to tonight’s episode, “Daily Active Users,” and we learn that the rest of the Beta testers were all engineers, who were probably just impressed with speed.

As Pied Piper’s grown this season, they only designer they’ve included was a visual designer, who created the Box Turtle. A UX designer would design, validate, and iterate the software with real users as part of the feedback loop. A great one would also be able to validate the value proposition, too.

It’s less funny to invest in UX than click-farms on tv, and I can’t wait to see what happens in the finale.