Detecting COVID-19 using Chest X-Rays

Mayukh Sil
3 min readApr 8, 2020



So, midst the recent pandemic COVID-19 has surfaced and has devasted the world in many different ways.

There is a lot of ongoing research to detect and to cure COVID-19 but, and a lot of progress is being made on a daily basis.


So, I tried creating a model that would take chest X-Rays as images and would predict if they are COVID-19 positive or not.

You might think, How? Well, the answer would be that when someone contracts COVID-19, the virus shoots itself into the lung’s lining of mucus which finds it as a violation and in retaliation, it starts filling the lungs up with mucus(which is also called pneumonia), and leads to dire consequences.

That’s how COVID-19 becomes very fatal.

Let’s Try to Answer some of the pressing questions.

  • How will Chest X-Rays help in predicting COVID-19?
  • How efficient is the model?
  • And can we rely on it as a secondary source of detection?

Well, Chest X-Rays will highlight the inner mucus lining and as we know that it will be different from that of a healthy lung. Which can help us predict it.

The model reaches an efficiency of almost 95%, because of the use of one the best image-net classifier VGG16.

In third world countries where the testing kit and facilities have still not been able to establish themselves, this might become handy for people. Also, where a lot of patients are coming in on a daily basis, the following prediction can be run to make a list of possible COVID-19 patients which would make the screening process much easier and efficient.

As you can see in the above plot, the number of tests being done is not enough.

Chest X-Rays compared with that of an infected patient. We can notice a lot of difference in the lung patterns.


In this story, we took a look at how neural nets(particularly CNN’s) can be useful in predicting the disease COVID-19 and can be used as a secondary means of detection.

The dataset was acquired from, so you can go and check it out.

  1. We found out that image-net classifiers like VGG-16 can be used in the detection of positive patients.
  2. The amount of screening possible by implementing this method will be immense.

To find the code of the above observation, visit the link

