How to Generate Images Like a Pro using AI Image Generator

Mayur Kumar
7 min readApr 8, 2024


Hey there, creative minds! Whether you’re a seasoned artist, a budding entrepreneur, a blogger on a budget, or simply someone who loves playing with cool new tech, this post is for you. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of AI image generation, and I’m here to show you how to use it like a pro.

Gone are the days when creating stunning visuals required expensive software or professional photography skills. The rise of AI image generator tools has democratized the art of image creation, making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection and a spark of imagination.

What is an AI Image Generator (and Why Should You Care?)

An AI image generator, also known as a text to image AI, is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to create images based on your textual descriptions. You simply feed it a prompt — a sentence or paragraph describing the image you have in mind — and the AI works its magic, churning out a visual representation of your words.

Here’s why you should care:

  • Free your creativity: Stuck on a design concept for your blog post? Need a captivating image for your social media campaign? AI image generators can spark new ideas and help you visualize your thoughts in a whole new way.
  • Save time and money: Ditch expensive stock photos or hours spent fiddling with design software. AI image generators offer a fast and cost-effective way to get unique, high-quality visuals.
  • Boost your skills: Whether you’re a designer, illustrator, or writer, using AI image generators can enhance your workflow and refine your communication skills when crafting prompts.

Unveiling the Magic: Finding the Perfect Free AI Image Generator

Now that you’re sold on the potential, let’s explore some fantastic free AI image generators you can try right away!

  • Simplified: This user-friendly platform offers a free tier with basic image generation capabilities. It’s a great starting point for beginners to experiment with the technology and get a feel for crafting prompts.
  • Nightcafe Creator: This user-friendly platform offers a generous free trial with several artistic styles to choose from. Experiment with creating dreamlike landscapes, surreal portraits, or even classic paintings with just a few clicks.
  • Dream by WOMBO: With a playful interface and an emphasis on artistic flair, Dream by WOMBO allows you to create whimsical and colorful images. It’s especially perfect for generating visuals for children’s books, social media posts, or greeting cards.
  • Midjourney: While Midjourney has a paid subscription model, it also offers a limited free trial through their Discord server. This platform boasts powerful capabilities and caters to users who enjoy a more technical approach to AI image generation.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other free and paid AI image generators out there. Do some research and find one that suits your specific needs and artistic preferences.

Mastering the Craft: How to Write Prompts Like a Pro

The key to unlocking the full potential of AI image generators lies in crafting effective prompts. Think of your prompt as a detailed instruction manual for the AI. The clearer and more specific you are, the better the results will be. Here are some tips to become a prompt-writing pro:

  • Be descriptive: Don’t just say “sunset.” Instead, describe a “vibrant sunset over a calm ocean, with palm trees swaying gently in the foreground.”
  • Use reference images: Many platforms allow you to upload reference photos to guide the AI. This is a great way to achieve a specific style or incorporate certain visual elements.
  • Specify details: Paint a picture with words. Describe the lighting, colors, emotions, and composition you envision for the final image.
  • Embrace thesaurus power: Don’t settle for generic words. Use a thesaurus to find more specific and evocative language that will enhance your prompt’s impact.
  • Start simple, then refine: Begin with a basic prompt and see what the AI generates. Then, use the results as a starting point, adding or removing details to get closer to your desired vision.

Bonus Tip: Experiment with negative prompts as well! Tell the AI what you DON’T want in the image. For example, “a majestic mountain landscape, NOT blurry.”

Refining Your Results: Fine-Tuning Your AI-Generated Images

The beauty of AI image generators is that they often provide you with several variations based on your prompt. Here’s how to make the most of them:

  • Compare and contrast: Analyze the different options and choose the one that best aligns with your vision.
  • Iterate and refine: Many platforms allow you to make minor adjustments to the chosen image, like tweaking the colors, lighting, or composition.
  • Embrace the unexpected: Sometimes, the AI throws you a curveball that’s even better than what you originally envisioned. Be open to exploring these unexpected results — you might discover a hidden gem!

Level Up Your Game: Exploring Advanced Techniques with AI Image Generators

Now that you’ve mastered the basics, it’s time to delve deeper and explore some advanced techniques that will take your AI image generation skills to the next level.

  • Combining Prompts: Don’t limit yourself to a single concept. Combine two or more ideas to create unique and surprising results. For instance, try “a cyberpunk city built on the back of a giant turtle.”
  • Style Transfer: Want your image to resemble a famous painting style? Many AI generators allow you to specify artistic styles as part of your prompt. Try “a portrait of a woman in the style of Van Gogh.”
  • Leveraging Keywords: Use specific keywords alongside your descriptions to influence the AI’s direction. For example, “a photorealistic close-up of a flower, macro lens, vibrant colors.”
  • Batch Generation: Feeling indecisive? Some platforms offer the option to generate multiple variations based on a single prompt. This allows you to explore different interpretations and choose the one that resonates with you the most.
  • Incorporating Existing Images: Take an image you already have and use it as a base for further generation. This is a great way to add elements, alter the scene, or create variations on a theme.
  • Chaining Generations: Don’t settle for a single image as the final product. Use one generated image as a prompt for the next, creating a series of interconnected visuals that tell a story or explore a concept in greater depth.
  • Playing with Scale and Perspective: Most AI image generators allow you to specify the scale and perspective of your desired image. Try zooming in for a macro shot of a flower’s intricate details, or take a bird’s-eye view of a sprawling cityscape.
  • Dream Up Abstract Concepts: AI image generators aren’t limited to creating realistic scenes. Experiment with crafting prompts for abstract concepts like “the feeling of joy” or “the sound of silence.” The results can be surprisingly evocative and thought-provoking.
  • Incorporate Text Elements: Many platforms allow you to integrate text directly into the generated image. This can be helpful for creating posters, flyers, or visual quotes.
  • Leverage Community Resources: Don’t reinvent the wheel! Many AI image generation platforms have thriving online communities. Explore user-created prompts and styles to get inspiration and discover new possibilities.

Pro Tip: Remember, AI image generation is an ongoing learning process. Experiment with different techniques, analyze the results, and don’t be afraid to get creative!

Beyond Free: Exploring Paid AI Image Generators

While free AI image generators offer a fantastic starting point, exploring paid options can unlock even more features and capabilities. Here’s what you might find in paid platforms:

  • Higher Resolution Images: Generate images with sharper details and larger sizes, perfect for professional use.
  • More Customization Options: Gain access to additional settings to fine-tune the AI’s output, such as specific camera angles, lighting effects, or object placements.
  • Increased Generation Limits: Overcome limitations on the number of images you can generate per day or month.
  • Priority Processing: Enjoy faster generation times and avoid waiting in queues, especially beneficial for time-sensitive projects.

Remember: Deciding between free and paid options depends on your individual needs and budget. If you’re a casual user, free generators might be sufficient. However, if you’re a professional designer, entrepreneur, or content creator who requires high-quality visuals regularly, a paid subscription might be a worthwhile investment.

Ethical Considerations: Using AI Image Generators Responsibly

AI image generation is a powerful tool, but with great power comes great responsibility! Here are some ethical considerations to keep in mind:

  • Respect Copyrights: Be mindful of copyright laws when using reference images or creating images that resemble copyrighted works.
  • Avoid Bias: AI models are trained on vast amounts of data, which can sometimes lead to biased outputs. Be aware of potential biases and use prompts that promote diversity and inclusion.
  • Give Credit: While AI assists in creation, the human behind the prompt deserves credit for their vision. Consider mentioning the use of AI image generation in your project descriptions.

The Future of AI Image Generation: A World of Possibilities

The field of AI image generation is rapidly evolving, and the future holds exciting possibilities. Here’s a glimpse of what’s on the horizon:

  • More Control and Refinement: Expect greater user control over the generation process, allowing for more nuanced edits and adjustments to fine-tune the final image.
  • Enhanced Realism and Accuracy: AI models are constantly being improved, leading to even more realistic and detailed image generation.
  • Integration with Other Creative Tools: Imagine seamlessly integrating AI image generation with other design and editing software, creating a smooth and efficient creative workflow.

Unleash Your Inner Artist: Embrace the Power of AI Image Generation

AI image generation is a game-changer, opening doors for anyone to create stunning visuals and unleash their creative potential. So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of AI art, experiment, have fun, and let your imagination run wild!

Remember: There’s no right or wrong way to use AI image generators. The key is to explore, experiment, and enjoy the journey of creating unique and captivating visuals. So, fire up your favorite AI image generator, craft your perfect prompt, and get ready to be amazed by the power of AI-powered creativity!



Mayur Kumar

Blogger, specialist, and expert on AI tools. I write about the latest and best AI tools for various purposes and audiences.