How institutes can drive smart referral traffic to their course offerings

Mayur Jain
3 min readNov 13, 2018


The GoCheck mobile app is not just an education app that helps students find suitable courses, exams and thereby, a good job. It’s a social app that drives smart referral traffic and keep the students well informed, help them network with institutes and alumni and also connect with over 50,000 educational institutions who could help them live their dream.

Today, all the educational institutes have the standard websites and mobile apps that promise nothing except the usual courses on offer. There is no way a person can network with each other or with past students or with the institute itself. It’s just the same old business site that you contact during admission time. Here is where GoCheck strives to be different. When institutes enrol with us on our app, students can not only look at the profile of the educational organisation but also check the reviews on the institute, go through crowd-sourced pictures of the institute and even get regular updates from the institute once he or she decides to ‘follow’ you. Imagine having a regular stream of students who are ‘following’ your every move. Not only is the institute able to convey everything they have on offer but also connect with them on a regular basis to keep them interested in what they do.

The app is smart and GPS-enabled. So the students will be able to search for institutions that are closest to where they live. This way, the institutes can target students in their vicinity if that is their goal too. With ‘walk to work’ being the hip thing to do, ‘walk to study’ might be next, with all the traffic jams around. Unless the institute has a hostel facility. The smart filter of the app will do it based on popularity, distance and the recommendations of the candidate’s trusted contacts.

Unlike the lengthy procedure on an institute’s website or through physical visits, interested candidates can sign up instantly on the app and apply for desired courses through a one-click application form. With the database of candidates who have applied, the institutes has a ready reckoner whenever they want to offer a supplementary course long after they have studied with them. The possibilities with such a ready database are endless.

Every institute has just too many courses and programmes that only a few stand out while the rest live a life of obscurity. However, GoCheck aims to fix just that. Based on what the candidate needs, the smart filter throws up the right discipline, the best courses and the perfect combinations that go well with them, including the institutes that offer the best courses in the stream they are looking for. This way, institutes can hope to get students in every programme they offer and not just the ones that are most sought after. Take it as a smart way to do career counselling by making the candidates find the right courses for themselves.


If you run an institute, hurry. Build your profile on the GoCheck mobile app and enhance your professional visibility. After all, your digital footprint is everything today. And this app offers you a holistic package that cuts no corners.

Originally published at Gocheck App.

