If you rest you rust : should Continuous learning education (CLE) Become a way of life for top executives ?

Mayuri Joshi Dhavale
4 min readApr 21, 2024


Last six months has pushed us to our seams. learning new concepts , making presentations , doing assignments and given us all a perspective that probably we would have never got in life if we had remained in our own cocoons . My IDCP batch of 61 senior leaders at IIMB was one powerhouse batch . Each one an achiever’s in their own field . CEO , MDs Promotors , Investors subject matter experts . All established leaders and voice in their own field . Personally for me this course has been a great leveller . I realise how great the responsibility is of an Independent Director is and how the journey of continuous learning does not stop here . The role is ever changing and now this is going to be a way of life for me to continuously upgrade my skills . To remain relevant is the only way . However glamorous it may seem on the outside it’s far from that . Like said by our great super hero “ with great power comes great responsibility “ . Responsibility towards all stake holders . A balance tough to achieve unless one has great skills to be able to see this from both a futuristic lense and yet remain current in one’s outlook . To have the skills to be firm yet be able to manage relationships where one is independent and yet become one with the organisation to understand its pain points is far from easy to achieve . It also made me realise through our class room discussions on various topics like macro economics , finance , governance , sustainability , diversity and inclusion and most importantly Organisational strategy that diverse views exist and each one making a good point . Diversity in view beliefs and values exists and diversity is much needed to make good decisions and which is why even diversity on board seems to become such a relevant requirement.

This six months brought an interesting thought to my mind. When every critical profession requires for continuous learning and credit why is it then left to an individual decisions when it comes to corporates and leadership development ?

Every critical profession excepts one to study and keep upgrading . Today, earning Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits is mandatory for any doctor to keep practicing in private or public healthcare centers. In India, all practicing doctors below 65 years of age have to complete 30 hours of CME every 5 years to get their license renewed.

CLE is a mandated rule for all active lawyers, and some countries. require different processes for the submission of the CLE completion. failure to do so incurs a reinstatement fee.

Teachers in good institutes are expected to participate and upgrade their knowledge through CLE and by participating in seminars , conferences, research papers , IP Their remuneration is liked to this .

CA and other finance professionals need to constantly upgrade . Technologists need to upgrade to remain relevant or they will not get hired . Like healthcare professionals, engineers must stay up to date in different fields of their expertise.

For pilots PPL License issued by DGCA is valid for 10 years which can be renewed periodically after giving some tests.

If all critical professions demand for continuous learning and credits then why has it been so ignored in the corporate world for leaders I wonder . It’s not a mandatory requirement but a choice given to individuals . A three days leadership workshop does not warrant change in behaviours. It does not result in the person suddenly waking up to be a great leader.

In my consulting journey one of the biggest challenge the organisation faces is lack of good leadership . Ask a promoter in an MSME how much time he spent solving leadership challenges and inter team issues and the answer will be startling. Sadly if the balance sheet looks good one thinks one is on the right path . This statement is far from true . For an organisation to safe guard its future one must look at leaders who are “thought leaders “ in the real sense . Who inspire action . How can you inspire if you are not upgrading ? How will you be upto date with what is happening not just today in the industry but also become a contributor in the changes that will impact the industry in the future . A voice beyond one’s own company . Fearless enough to speak one’s mind . Always willing to learn from others and someone who is curious enough to ask the right questions . This one bit is not easy because this means a leader has to then be Vulnerable enough to admit that he/ she does not know it all and must be willing to unlearn and learn and sometimes learn from others. .

This magic of peer learning is unmatched . It rattles and shakes you out of your comfort zone . It levels you and gets you to realise and learn perspectives you never thought existed . The IIMB Independent directors certification did that for me . I learnt from my professors , industry experts and most importantly from my classmates and peers .

I do believe that all organisations need to invest and put a framework for leadership continuous education and learning and in someway link it to their growth in the organisations . If it can be done for pilot’s and medical professionals and educationists it’s about time the industry does the same for corporates . After all business goals are equally important are they not ? Are they not the very basis of our existence and if business fail won’t it have repercussions in every part of our society and impact every human life as much as it would the organisation ?

Some weekend food for thought :)

