JWT Authentication with Angular 7

Mayur Kambariya
3 min readDec 15, 2018


JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC  7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely  transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This  information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed.
Process Flow of JWT Token

The goal in this post is to first start by learning how JSON Web Tokens (or JWTs) work in detail, including how they can be used for User Authentication and Session Management in a Web Application.

Why a JWT Deep Dive?

Having a detailed overview of JWTs is essential for:

  • implementing a JWT-based authentication solution
  • all sorts of practical troubleshooting: understanding error messages, stack traces
  • choosing third-party libraries and understanding their documentation
  • designing an in-house authentication solution
  • choosing and configuring a third-party authentication service

Even when choosing a ready to use JWT-based Authentication solution, there will still be some coding involved, especially on the client but also on the server.

At the end of this post, you will know JWTs in-depth including a good understanding of the cryptographic primitives that they are based upon, which are used in many other security use cases.

You will know when to use JWTs and why, you will understand the JWT format to the point that you can manually troubleshoot signatures, and know several online / Node tools to do so.

Using those tools you will be able to troubleshoot yourself out of numerous JWT-related error situations. So without further ado let’s get started with our JWT deep dive!

What does a JWT Payload look like?

The payload of a JWT is just a plain Javascript object. Here is an example of a valid payload object:

In this case, the payload contains identification information about a given user, but in general, the payload could be anything else such as for example information about a bank transfer.

There are no restrictions on the content of the payload, but it’s important to know that a JWT is not encrypted. So any information that we put in the token is still readable to anyone who intercepts the token.

Therefore it’s important not to put in the Payload any user information that an attacker could leverage directly.

JWT Headers — Why are they necessary?

The content of the Payload is then validated by the receiver by inspecting the signature. But there are multiple types of signatures, so one of the things that the receiver needs to know is for example which type of signature to look for.

This type of technical metadata information about the token itself is placed in a separate Javascript object and sent together with the Payload.

Here Is full example of JWT With Angular 6/7 code give By Mayur Kambariya

Download full example for Angular 6/7 with JWT.

