Cruel Dilemma

3 min readMay 11, 2023


When we ask children what they want to be in the future, most of them answer with the same professions, But if we ask ourselves why all our answers are always too similar, we can see that we are projecting our unfulfilled dreams onto children. We want them to achieve what we could not, so we can feel that neglected part of our soul represented in the child reaching that goal. However, I think this creates complexes for people.

By installing the idea that the child’s current family will not support or nourish them if they have other plans for their life, we are pushing our limits. As a child, you will surely feel a sense of danger after having your only source of pleasure taken away Hitherto, you will strictly obey your parents, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But we are installing radical ideas and creating alienation for the human psyche.

these dreams are considered the highest expression of humanity in this world. But We are creating a false sense of reality that does not align with the true nature of human existence.

We must acknowledge that the world is not perfect, and that our dreams and aspirations may not always align with the expectations of others. By projecting our own desires onto children, we are limiting their potential and creating a false sense of reality that does not align with the true nature of human existence. We must learn to embrace individuality and encourage children to pursue their own passions and interests, rather than imposing our own onto them.

But on the contrary creating individuality and having it as the society main idea of thinking will also have its own share of perplexing question you cannot love what you cannot understand can you ?, and you cannot simply accept that idea of refusal . Individuality is what distinguishes the self from others but I must say that individuality is the main cause of our anxiety .Different beliefs and perspectives of our life is the root of pain , baring the feeling of refusal by the group creates a dilemma for the human being.One cannot live alone and cannot strive to progress without belonging to a group and with that exists a type of people that acknowledge this epigram (pessimistic people)

The mere fact that we all share different ideas can contribute to pessimistic views of the world as cruel and unjust. The individuality of people has led to the spread of psychological diseases. If we all shared the same beliefs, we could have lessened the sense of pain that has been brought upon us since the day we were born. However, this alone is not enough. We all strive to live a life full of hedonistic and eudaimonic pleasures. But why hasn’t anyone thought of living the contrary, a cynical life where one becomes one with their environment? It is because it is in our nature to lessen our pain and to acquire what brings us more pleasure, which is expressed in what is called the lust for commodity.

Our individuality distinguishes us from others, and it is through our thoughts that our will takes shape. However, this distinctive aspect of human existence may lead to the collapse of our kind. We cannot become friends with everyone, and we cannot love every person in the world because we don’t share the same path of development and thinking. This alone will contribute to our sadness. Having no friends to lessen your pain or to suffice your pleasure will truly cause alienation. One may even go as far as trying to fit with society by hindering their ability to grow.

“A child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth” .if individuality become our main goal of existence we may as well perish alongside the world

we are faced with two options: embrace our individuality and stand apart from the crowd, bearing the weight of our uniqueness, or conform to the norms and expectations of those around us, avoiding any discomfort but sacrificing our position for independent thinking. This is a dilemma and often unfair reality that we must face

