Luke Mazza
1 min readApr 12, 2017


Hmm, I’ve always wondered why Photoshop was more popular for web design historically. I understand that it is, and I don’t fault you for mentioning it for that reason. By far most of my professional experience is with Photoshop but I greatly prefer Illustrator for mockups. The only thing I can guess is that Illustrator just isn’t understood by many people in that world, and it’s just not taught as much.

The multiple artboard feature is great for iteration. The transform controls, snapping, etc all act exactly like you’d want them to without having to get your settings just right (and, I might add, act like all the popular wireframing/prototyping tools on the market). No need to keep track of what is and isn’t a smart object. Asset exporting seems more refined as well.

Using Photoshop to me feels more like trying to adapt a raster-based image manipulation application for something somewhat different — probably because that’s exactly what you’re doing when you use it for vector work.

I guess an updated comparison would have to mention Adobe XD, although I’ve never used it because my work computer is Win 7.

