RepuX Analysis — The Decentralized Data Marketplace

4 min readMar 30, 2018



RepuX token is a medium of exchange for used on the RepuX platform, this classifies it as currency token. RepuX is essentially decentralizing the data broker business. Data brokers are big companies that buy data from small companies that don’t have enough to be sold in a big package. These data brokers then organize, aggregate and resell this data to purchasers. The RepuX platform allows for these small companies to sell their data in mico amounts and avoid the data brokers. Data brokers such as Acxiom have gross profits around 50%, meaning currently SME’s (small & medium enterprises) are only getting around 50% of the true value of their data. On RepuX they can receive the full 100% value of their data.


They have a fairly large team with the right expertise but their COO has good management experience and programming experience in the data industry but he is also the COO at another company which could mean he is not completely focused on this project. This is the same case with their Product Manager, the good news is that they worked at the same start up so they know each other and likely work well together if they choose to continue to work together. Their last C-suite officer works at the same start up at the other so this is not a team who are new to each other. Their last start up WorkHQ has only been in business for 2 years so we can not judge how successful it is but we can assume it is not doing well enough to occupy them full time. Interestingly they do not have a CEO which may cause power issues with the chain of command later on if no single person is calling the shots. The rest of the development team is also only working part time but that is not unusual.

Business Model

RepuX is a token used as payment for data. Purchasers of this data would be companies looking to train their AI algorithms and make strategic data driven decisions. RepuX verifies data listed on their platform to make sure it is organized and quality tokens. Their source of revenue will be to take a sales fee from transactions, they have not worked out whether the seller or buyer will pay the fee and how much it will be but they say it will be “minimal”. The only possible issue I found with business model is that depending on how strict their data verification policies are, some some businesses may not be able to comply with the standards and it will drive away potential sources. I don’t this this issue shouldn’t be to big of a problem if it is one at all.


The market for this product large and still growing at a rapid as more and more companies find the value in data. The data analytics market is currently floating around $200 million yearly. They do not have a public marketing plan, in the telegram chat they said they planned to work with “a large number of agencies and marketing budgets to promote main sale”. My take away from this is that they do not have a well thought out plan but their telegram chat is not run by team members but by AmaZix. AmaZix is a ICO management company, I was unable to get in touch with any of the team members. A key factor to the market to adopt this platform is whether or not they market towards the right people, I would expect they try to use connections and sales people to get data buyers and broad internet marketing to get data providers but this is an unknown at the time of writing. So far they have their marketplace which is live but currently still in testing and have 3 unknown pilots they are working with.


The 3 biggest data brokers (Acxiom, Corelogic, Datalogix) generated about $3.5 billion in revenues last year. If RepuX captures 10% of this, their platform will do $350 million in transactions per year and at 30% they could do $1.8 billion per year. Using these estimates as demand for the token on the platform we are going to give RepuX token a current valuation interval of $0.143 and $0.36. I also expect a price decline shortly after ICO due to weak hands selling as the coin does not start to significantly rise in value.

