Mbele launches Idea Hunt: a workshop that empowers youth to create innovative solutions for the SDGs

4 min readDec 22, 2017


The aim primary of IdeaHunt is to change the conversation, for years we have been talking about all the challenges we face as a nation, it is time for us to take action and start talking solutions.

Participant at Mbele IdeaHunt 1.0

Nigeria did not meet the MDGs and the recent report by UNESCO shows we may not meet the SDGs 2030 maybe until 2070 with the current level of progress. One of the major challenges is the lack of knowledge by many of our teens and youths in the area of problem-solving. These skills are not readily taught in our institutions of learning, and if we are going to be able to make reasonable progress we need innovative and sustainable ideas to solve the problems highlighted by the SDGs in Nigeria.

IdeaHunt is a one-day workshop for adolescents and youths to empower them to start creating innovative solutions for the SDGs in Nigeria by teaching them problem-solving techniques using the design thinking methodology, digital product design and agile project management. Every attendee will be able to come up with innovative ideas, create a prototype, and share their best ideas with the IdeaHunt community to get constructive feedback. We want to get Nigerians talking solution and build the ecosystem of problem solvers.

The first IdeaHunt was held in Lugbe on Saturday 9th of December, with 21 persons in attendance. The session was led by Peter Ayeni the Founder/CTO of Mbele where he made presentation on the SDG goals and where we are as a nation on reaching the goal, the call for youth to take on social entrepreneurship and the need for innovative and sustainable ideas if we are going to catch up with the rest of the world.

Problem solving session

The workshop then continued with a practical session using the DO school Method and Design Thinking to tackle the problem of water shortage and distribution in Lugbe, Abuja the community where the workshop took place. The attendees broke up into 5 groups and worked on specific problems relating to the SDGs in Nigeria and came up with 5 innovative ideas to solve them and each team presented their ideas to everyone and got constructive feedbacks.

a participant presenting their idea

Some of the testimonial from the attendees

I am glad to be on this platform MbeleIdeaHunt, it has been a great time being here. It has given us the opportunity to express our ideas, I never knew the ideas I have in me can solve lots of problems around me, today I was able to learn how to go about it, and how our solution can make a profit and also impact the community. — Bisola

I am very happy today, the session was very exciting and very educative, I learnt a lot of things I didn’t know I could do. Like how to become a Social Entrepreneur, you don’t necessarily have to have a lot of funds to start a business; as long as you have an idea and the right people around you can start. I will like this initiative to be taken to higher institutions and colleges across the nation as this is a very good platform that our youths need. With what we learnt today the sky is just the starting point. –Funke

I am so happy that the Mbele Team came today, I learnt a lot with what was shared with us. In the sense that I have been a part of the problem all this while and not considering a solution, today they made me see how I can be a solution and now I see myself as a solution provider. — Hillary

