Marco Bobbert
Jan 7, 2024


Thank you for an awesome read! No conform = scorn. It’s a real conundrum and often it comes down to which pain is easier to take. People often think I’m joking when the rainman stereotype isn’t presented. Then (prior to diagnosis) I would dismiss being called an Aspie because of my own prejudices… so I kind of understand. I can be an arsehat like anyone else! I’ve used this insight to go back to my natural inclination to take people at face value, accept them, and generally be kind. No one wants to feel scorned or rejected. Even if someone was gaslighting, kindness is never wasted and there’s no mess. Thanks again 🙏🤩🙏



Marco Bobbert

Nothing conventional please ;-) Writing for therapy (thanks for indulging me). Exploring and embracing aporia and paradox 😉❤️🙏🏻