Top 5 Bridge Platform Rumor Airdrops

Slamet Wibowo
3 min readJul 25, 2022

I will provide the top 5 bridge platforms that are likely to have airdrop rumors accompanied by steps.

  1. LiFi Protocol

LI.FI is a cross-chain bridge aggregation protocol that supports any-2-any swaps by aggregating bridges and connecting them to DEXes and DEX aggregators. They’re like 1inch & Paraswap for bridges, they choose the best bridge to move funds from one chain to another.

Website :

• Bridge your token between chains.
• Tokenless — Yes
•Condition — Bridging
• Rumours Level — High
• Lifi Was a part of Arbitrum Odyssey also.

2. Nomadxyz

Nomad is an interoperability protocol for generalized message passing. We leverage an optimistic mechanism. There are no validators, and there is no blockchain. We’re deployed as smart contracts between two chains.

Website :

•Tokenless — Yes
•Condition — Bridging Obviously
•Rumour Level — High

NOTE : Nomad is gaining hype day by day.


Across is a novel bridging method that combines an optimistic oracle, bonded relayers and single-sided liquidity pools to provide decentralized instant transactions from rollup chains to Ethereum mainnet.

Website :

•Tokenless — Yes
•Condition — Bridge & Referral ( Optional )
•Rumour Level — Moderate Official Tweet

4. deBridge

deBridge is a cross-chain interoperability and liquidity transfer protocol that allows the decentralized transfer of arbitrary data and assets between various blockchains.

Website :

•Tokenless — Yes
•Condition — Bridging & Swap
•Rumours — High Don’t miss this one

5. ioTube

ioTube is a decentralized cross-chain bridge that enables the bidirectional exchange of crypto-assets.

Website :

• Tokenless — Yes
• Task — Bridge ( Prefer ioTex )
•Rumours — High ! It is the one of selective bridge on ioTex chain.

Don’t Miss Fam.

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