To You, Perceptive Reader, I Bequeath My Story

2 min readApr 4, 2022

Have you ever noticed how “What the hell” is always the right decision to make?

Anyway, I digress.

Here I sit, my pen vying for equal time in my hand as some pensive and slightly mysterious symphony with a sense of melancholy and perhaps sadness, or of a developing, unfolding story plays on and on in the background and my almost empty cup of coffee wordlessly whispers of its passage from hot to lukewarm. “Being a software developer is a very peculiar sort of a job”, I think to myself, “It’s always you versus a bug, some blank sheet of paper, or a blank screen and quite often the blank piece of paper wins.”

“Different music might help.” I say to myself while painting a picture that will never translate the same on the blank piece of paper now carefully tucked beneath my laptop. I throw on some Afro Beats that seems to fit the mood and sit back down, fingers at the ready. In the end, I’m slouching on the seat, head-banging to what was clearly the wrong choice of playlist. When I force myself to glance back at the laptop on the desk, I ‘cringe’. Next to the laptop is an organizer; a half-empty cup of coffee; and a copy of Python Advanced Handbook- fashionably out of date. I slam the laptop shut and migrate to my bed.

