Why a trillion-dollar Apple sucks on brand loyalty?

4 min readAug 21, 2019

I’ve been using apple for almost 20 years. When I attempted to switch from Windows to Apple I was at high school age and formatting my Windows computer almost every week or 2 weeks because of slow operating.

Windows was not well organized. In my opinion, free codes made Windows spread better than Mac, but as a company, Windows failed to merge the personal data and multimedia well organized. For example, I was listening to music by Winamp but storing music files in various folders. Doing homework by Microsoft Word or Powerpoint, storing photos in various folders. Everything was extremely unorganized. But I was tolerating these complications because of Windows compatible games.

When I switched to play games on a console like XBOX or PS, I changed my mind for using my computer. And tried Mac. I saw that MacOS is a limited OS which you couldn’t personalize the OS like Windows, there were limited apps to use and also there were only a few people were using Mac around me. But the multimedia apps were very well organized. Apps and data were connected, the interface was neat and smooth, user experience was clear and easy, plug&play was trouble-free, there were much less install installations but mostly installing by drag&drop feature and having almost no crashes on macOS pushed me to switch me to Mac.

It was the beginning of 2000’s when I switched to Mac and I never formatted my computer for 6 or 7 years. When I switched to a new Apple computer I was just copying my files to a CD/DVD or connect both computers, dragging and dropping files from old to new one. That was it. There were some apps needed to install but they were a minority.

In 2006 or 2007 I met formatting on my Mac because of the various apps and OS crashes. And after that experience formatting became a routine of my Mac experience. Apple’s macOS became like Windows in a short time usage after these years. Even Apple was advertising their computers were not crashing or freezing, It was the ugly truth of Macs. Then Apple released iOS devices and we experienced the integrated ease of sync to our computers with this one-button large screen luxurious device. Then Apple’s chain on my hands and legs got stronger to keep me and people like me with those iOS devices which are iPhone and iPad.

Even the operating system started failing I could not switch to Windows again. Because I became an Apple prisoner like @NJDG said on Twitter last July “why do they still think we want this? (Apple stickers getting out of the box). It’s 2019, we’re not Apple fans we’re iMessage prisoners”

Nick Greene credit photo on Twitter. https://twitter.com/njdg/status/1149280922421927936?s=12

This comment is extremely true. Because still, Windows is not as a tidy alternative of MacOS. The connection between devices and apps still sucks. The multimedia features are still as not successful as MacOs. Still, there is no photo app like Apple has even Apple Photo is becoming worse. It’s not as easy to use as macOS. It’s OK from the design perspective but according to user experience, Windows sucks. So I can’t switch to Windows or any other OS. And In a few months' terms I format my Apple devices because of unexpected behaviors of my devices.

Apple tried to solve the Mac OS formatting issue by releasing Time Machine app for backing up data, but before USB 3.0 It was not successful for restoring a backup file. In years Apple became popular and much more popular after iOS devices. Now young people who were born in the early 2000’s working in Apple stores. In US Apple tries to keep the employee quality at a level. But in a country like my country Turkey, Apple sucks very badly. The employees work for a trillion-dollar company and they wear Apple logo merchandise but they have a huge EGO. They can’t make people happy to have an Apple device.

This is a small visible part of the Iceberg. The other part is the company itself. What do they offer in the last 4–5 years? Nowadays their most successful product is Airpods. They can’t offer new features as an iPhone. They can’t offer a very useful feature for the iPad. I think the best invention for the iPad was the Apple Pencil which was released in 2015. They can’t offer new features for their Mac computers. I can understand they got so big that they can’t control the structure. In addition to this they can hire the best engineers, employees etc but still they have too many faults on designing the process of software and hardware.

In conclusion, I can extend the faults of this trillion-dollar company/brand but Apple has Ego too. Apple doesn’t deserve to carry its sticker logo which they put in new product boxes on a surface that I own. Because now they run a digital prison for users like me. They should ask. “Why?” OK. They don’t need my money for a couple of devices but as we saw Nokia disappeared from the market in a very short period of time. iTunes is losing it’s portfolio to other membership-based video or music companies like Netflix and Spotify. If an easy integrated, well designed and reliable alternative enters the market I’m sure people will think like me. If Huawei succeeds in these issues then we can see its success in a few years.

