3D Environment design

5 min readMay 22, 2023

A 3D environment design is a computer-generated and -controlled digital setting that is used in video games, animation films, and more. Its purpose is to draw the viewer in by lending a sensation of depth to all sorts of outdoor and indoor settings.

The observer can immerse themselves in visually specific experiences with the help of such settings, which is why a 3D environment design can also be developed to display actual, real-world items, interiors, vehicles, furnishings and much more. The universe of fiction, on the other hand, is vast. 3D-modeled fictitious environments are frequently used in science fiction films or shows and video games.

What Is a 3D Environment design?

Before proceeding to art creation for 3D games and discussing its details, let us briefly clarify the basics. In order for an environment to be called “three-dimensional,” it must have visual depth. Players need to see that all objects around them have volume, that the world itself is not flat. So, naturally, 3D environment design’s are much more believable and realistic compared to 2D ones.

With the tools that developers and designers have today, it is not a problem to achieve outstanding levels of realism. With the rapid evolution of 3D graphics and their mass adoption in all industries, it has become possible to build unique fantasy worlds that appear in games, on big screens, and in advertisements. Behind every successful project that utilizes 3D graphics, there is always a team of talented 3D environment design artists who create the scenes where the action takes place.

What does an environment artist do?

Working from concept art, real-world reference, and scans, environment artists create and lay out digital 3D environment design’s — from compiling an entire set to scattering tiny rocks — that form the world of a film or video game. It includes populating an environment with assets, commonly known as set dressing. This role is commonly a specialization of an 3D modeler.

For films or TV shows, environments are often built, or extended, digitally when it is not possible or practical to film in real life (e.g. outer space, historical recreations, fantasy lands). Actors may be recorded against a green screen and their surroundings replaced by computer-generated environments built by 3D Environment design Artists.

In video games, world building has an additional layer of complexity. The environments created must function and react according to the laws of physics and within the rules of the game universe. So characters must not be able to walk through walls, objects must react to gravity, etc. (unless these are unique features of the game universe).

The Main Task of 3D Environment design Artists

The main task of 3D environment design artists is to create digital landscapes, buildings, and other structures that can be used in video games, films, or other virtual experiences. This involves using specialized software to model and texture objects, as well as creating lighting and atmospheric effects to make the environment feel realistic and immersive. The goal of 3D environment design is to create a world that feels believable and engaging to the user, whether they are exploring a post-apocalyptic wasteland or a fantastical realm filled with mythical creatures. Additionally, 3D environment design artists work closely with concept artists and game designers to ensure that the environment aligns with the overall vision of the project. They also test and refine the environment to ensure that it runs smoothly and looks good from all angles.

What Software is Needed for 3D Environment Design?

There are several software options available for creating 3D environments for video games, including:

Autodesk Maya

This is a popular 3D modeling and animation software used by many game developers.


This is a free and open-source 3D creation suite that can be used for modeling, texturing, and animation.


This is a game engine that includes tools for creating 3D environments, as well as scripting and physics simulation.

Unreal Engine

This is another game engine that includes tools for creating high-quality 3D environments, as well as advanced lighting and physics simulation.


This is a digital sculpting software that can be used to create highly detailed models for use in game environments.

The choice of software will depend on the specific needs of the project and the preferences of the development team.

3D Environment Design in Polydin

Polydin Studios is a leading game development and outsourcing company with a talented team of environment and level art designers who are passionate about creating immersive game worlds. Our designers work closely with clients throughout the development process to ensure that their vision is brought to life with stunning visuals and attention to detail. We pride ourselves on our ability to listen to and incorporate feedback, resulting in designs that exceed expectations. With our expertise and dedication, we are committed to delivering high-quality 3D environments and level designs that transport players to new worlds and engage them in unforgettable gaming experiences.

How 3D Environments in Video Games are Made?

The process of creating 3D environments for video games typically involves several steps.

Concept Art

The first step is to create concept art, which serves as a blueprint for the environment. This can include sketches, paintings, or digital illustrations that depict the overall look and feel of the world.


Once the concept art is approved, 3D artists use specialized software to create digital models of the objects and structures in the environment. This can include everything from buildings and trees to rocks and vehicles.


After the models are created, textures are added to give them a realistic look and feel. This can involve painting textures by hand or using photographs to create realistic textures.


Lighting is a critical component of creating a believable environment. 3D artists use specialized software to add lighting and atmospheric effects such as fog, smoke, and shadows to create a realistic and immersive environment.

Testing and Refinement

Once the environment is complete, it is tested extensively to ensure that it runs smoothly and looks good from all angles. Any issues or glitches are identified and fixed before the final version is released.

Overall, creating 3D environments for video games is a complex and time-consuming process that requires a combination of technical skills and artistic talent. However, when done well, it can result in immersive and engaging game worlds that players will want to explore again and again.

