Common Mistakes of a Salesperson

mae bernadette verana
2 min readOct 7, 2018


People says that it is easy to close a deal, but they didn’t know how many rejections you receive before closing one deal. But did you ask your self if what did go wrong why you didn’t close those rejections? Maybe because of the following:

  1. Being Talkative

You talk so fast, that the client doesn’t understand you. Just make sure that you explain to the client clearly what your products are. Don’t talk so much that you are directing the topic to another topic which is non related to what you are selling, just focus on your product and to your clients need.

2. Don’t Make Follow-Up

Always make sure to follow-up your leads. It doesn’t mean that they say “NO” today but they can take your products in the future. There is a chance also that they are ready to take in what you offer. You can call them or just send them an email.

3. Basing The Offer On The Price

Some salesperson focused on offering the price but not the quality of the services. Some business owners don’t care about the price but they do care about the quality of your services. Be sure to offer first the quality of your services before offering the price.

4. Taking Rejections Personally

They say that once a door closed another door will be open. Like in sales, if the client says no don’t take it personally. My mentor once said “Fail Fast, Fail Better, Fail Forward” move on to the next prospect and don’t let that one NO affect the 10 Yeses.

