Hit by #WannaCry? Don’t Blame the NSA. It’s Your Fault.

Mike Crow
2 min readMay 15, 2017


You could have avoided it by following three really obvious rules.

Breathless news reports focus on whether the NSA or Microsoft (or both) bear responsibility for the vast and spreading impact of the #WannaCry (or #WannaCrypt) attack. The increased incidence of ransomware, and its impacts, are serious issues. But this particular blame game is overblown. Here’s how you could have averted your own personal crisis:

1. Only Use Software Built This Decade. Much of the software impacted is REALLY old and no longer supported with Microsoft security patches. I mean, seriously: you’re still using Windows XP? I really liked that OS, too, but it predates the iPhone. And Facebook. And 9/11.

2. Update Your Software Regularly. For the systems Microsoft still supports, a protective patch was released in March. That’s a lot of Windows Update warnings you’ve ignored. Or you made the poor decision to not have Windows remind you or auto-install.

3. Don’t Use Pirated Software. Apparently, Microsoft doesn’t let pirated software get updated with patches. Shocking! Can you really blame them? This mistake definitely goes in the “Serves you right” category. Users are learning that piracy really isn’t a victimless crime, just not in the way they might have expected.

To sum up, I realize that this makes me seem like a jerk. But I don’t really wish anyone ill effects (except maybe any Russian ministries that were impacted). I just think it’s really important that we talk about the real problem in this case. If we don’t, it will keep happening again, and again, and again.

