The 100

Mary McAleer
3 min readFeb 3, 2017


Via Wiki

(Bases on the CW’s the 100 beveloped by Jason Rothenberg)

He was the leader but definitely not in charge. I could hear his voice but couldn’t see his face. His voice was shaky and questionable, like he was reading a script. But he was a lousy actor. The bag was ripped off my head. I went flying the the ground as my head spun around. The room or maybe cave was lit by four tall torches. A orange yellow light bounced off the walls to illuminate one man sitting in a chair made of a giant tree stump. The man began to stand. He must of been eight feet tall. Had the radiation affected the humans too? His baseball mit hands held a large chalice in one and a sword in another. Standing he began to speak. His voice filled the room. “Welcome developed”. I was confused whether this was for comedic relief or if we were really welcomed. “You must be Oneheta.” Um, Oneheta who the hell was that. I instantly felt ten pairs of eyes on me. “Oh that’s me”. I said like a little mouse.
“So you are the lone resistance?”. Was my act a resistance? I was just informing the public. They had a right to know. “Do the other branches know?” he inquired. Before I could speak, Finn piped up, “We are of the Arch, the 7th branch. The other six stations suffered malfunctions decades ago”. The big man raised his head slightly. For a second, he seemed concerned.
“You are the last of the Sky people?” He said defeatedly. I was confused. I thought we were enemies. Maybe this wasn’t at all what I thought.
The guards untied the cuffs. “We would like to welcome the Sky-”
Finn interrupted, “Sky crew. We’re calling ourselves Sky crew”. I shot Finn a nasty look. We were completely outnumbered. Just shut up and get the hell outta here. Finn gave me a look back whispering, “We can’t be associated with the Sky corporation! They’re responsible for all this”. We were invited for dinner. It was the best thing I’d heard since I heard the 100 delinquents were being shipped back to earth.
Two large wooden doors opened up to a grand room. The wood walls seemed to extend for ages. One large wooden table was centered in the room. They had enough seating for 100 people! Light shone in from the small openings near the ceiling. As the light reached my eyes, I could finally make out a figure at the far end of the table. “Bellamy!” I screamed. A sense of relief came over me. The big man saw my excitement and ordered his release.
The table was soon spilling over in dirty plates and empty chalices. I was so stuffed. The kind of Thanksgiving stuffed were the food wasn’t just in your stomach it was every where, I felt heavy. Finn was still scarfing down potatoes and bread, anything that would fit in his mouth. Once the big man had finished eating, the man to his right perked up. This man was scrawny. Black curly hair exploded from his head. “Lincoln, our commander- son of Paul of the Ice nation- would like-” The big man slammed his fist on the table, “Thomas! I can make my own agreements!!” Lincoln continued, “The grounders would like to enact an alliance with Sky crew in excha-”. Before Lincoln could finish, Bellamy blurted out, “In exchange for what? What could we do to help you we have nothing to give”. A sense of embarrassment came over me. The kind of embarrassment like when your parents talk about their pre-parent lives. Lincoln continued, “We need help avenging our stolen soles”. Bellamy, Finn and I instantly looked at each other. What wack jobs we were dealing with? Lincoln explained that before the war began a small civilization was developed in an extensive underground network of housing, agriculture and torture. “Why would they prey on you? They have everything down there?” Bellamy inquired. Before Lincoln could explain a loud boom came from outside the grounder’s court. Finn, Bellamy and I jumped from the table a rushed to the woods in search of the dropship.

