Research Manager of the Month #005 — Jan Beerens


On our monthly “RM of the Month” posts, we will introduce you to one of the Research Managers from the MCAA Research Management WG. We are starting 2024 with Jan from the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.

Some keywords to describe myself are Open, Driven, Pro-active, Direct, Independent, Creative, Professional, Involved, Structured and Diplomatic. Before I showcase my previous experiences, I try to introduce myself first by giving my skills and work preferences. You now have a better understanding of who I am and how I (prefer to) work. Secondly, I would characterize myself in terms of diversity, equity and inclusion “labels” as White, Male, Immigrant, Husband, Father, Badminton, Volunteer, Trainer/Coach, Project Manager.

Indeed, currently I am working as a project manager at University of Twente in the Netherlands, based in Enschede, on European funded projects. Managing now 3 MSCA Doctoral Networks ETOPIA, ETUT and NEPIT, as well as one Centre of Excellence TREX. I have been at the University of Twente for three years and before that, I was a mechatronics lecturer with focus on projects 😊 and mechanical engineering topics at Saxion University of Applied Science. However, I began my job experience with lots of calculations and simulations on a particular wind turbine with only 2 blades, downwind, dedicated to offshore use, and mounted on a Jacket structure. This after finishing a master in aerospace engineering with focus on wind energy at Delft university of Technology, Netherlands.

Entrance of University of Twente during an Pre- and Post-Award knowledge exchange by Assistant Professor Anne Roc’h from Eindhoven University of Technology and project managers Salla Kotakorva and Soili Pakarinen (TAU) from Tampere University (Finland) in March 2023.

Working as a Project Manager at the University of Twente exposed me to all aspects of a university. Not only the innovative research that is performed but also the broad aspects that are essential to bring impact to society. This is not only the innovative research but also helping to shape society by encouraging pupils (13–15years) to learn about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) via inviting them to the university during Girlsday and show them why diversity, equity and inclusion is so important.

Being part of the MCAA RM WG is a long-lasting learning and sharing journey. I first joined the working group for learning and now I’m also there to strengthen it by being involved in the Training Team responsible for the planning of a series of training sessions for the MCAA RW WG members. Hands-on and with immediate influence and use for all. So please do not hesitate to contact me.

Linking what I like most in my current position to MSCA and MCAA, it is witnessing young people grow and develop which gives me immense energy, especially after experiencing the same difficulties of international mobility. My mobility was mostly as Belgian moving to the Netherlands for study and work, but I have also lived in China (Internship) and Norway (Master Graduation). As a result, I can relate well with the Early Stage Researchers or Doctoral Candidates.

Secondly, when at work, I am constantly learning new skills, meeting new people, obtaining new knowledge from others and I am also always willing to share my experiences and expertise with others. Let’s not reinvent the wheel again and be efficient with our time. Learning from networks as MCAA or EARMA helps us to develop.

There is never a dull moment as project manager in MSCA projects.

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