Four things no one tells you about post chemo life

michelle c. s.
2 min readApr 24, 2023


First, healing is slow. We all know and expect that. I did not think one year post chemo my hair, brows and lashes would still be so sparse. My nails are still odd too. Watching YouTube and progress pictures of other women post chemo gave me false hope. I’m grateful for the hair I have now, but I’d be lying if I said I expected to look like this one year after chemo.

Second, although it’s well intentioned no one gives you a break from being a cancer patient for far too long. Between the lab visits, doctor visits and it being the topic of every conversation. You will get sick AF of being the cancer patient in everyone’s life.

Third, your care takers and loved ones need your patience. Making it through chemo takes a village and that village goes through the hell with you. They will want you to be back to your old self. They will feel the burden of all the follow up visits and inquiries. They will cheer you on as you heal and you have to remember they have healing of their own to do.

Finally, you will find yourself incapable of settling in anyway. In the last year I found myself a job that pays more, has a better location, a better team and work that is more rewarding. After surviving the hell that is chemo feeling under appreciated at work just wasn’t acceptable to me. Seize that “I can do anything”feeling post chemo and make life changes. You deserve nothing less.

Hang in there if you’re in that battle right now. Know that you’ll get through it and you are stronger than you know.

I hope this helps anyone going through it. Caretakers and cancer warriors alike.



michelle c. s.

Wife, mom, dog lover, yogi, coffee addict, MBA, beach girl. I read for joy. Write for catharsis. Two time survivor. I’ve had cancer, cancer never had me.