Mia Carrera
1 min readSep 16, 2017


When it comes to staying in tune to the news, it is important to reach out of your comfort zone, bubble, or any other barriers. I have decided to reach out of my own comfort zone, and explore the news realm of Korea, specific to Los Angeles. I go to Koreatown often, enjoying their food and culture. Delving into the news of Koreatown, but also Korea at large, I believe it will only strengthen my intake of news in society. Being Mexican-American, I consider myself pretty well versed in both Mexican and American news. I am stronger in American news, but I thought I would expand my horizons. The news outlet I have decided to use is KoreaDaily (http://www.koreadailyus.com/). They are well versed in the sense that their website is in Korean, but can be translated into English. As I continue my exploration of their news, I will be discussing the differences between the two, between overall format and if there is a difference between how they present the news at large. Being at school in such a large metropolis city, there are a number of cultures and heritages all around us.

