Mouths Full of Orange

Talaya McCain
1 min readMay 14, 2020


In the middle of the battalion, she gave me a slice of an orange.

Foolishly, I put the entire slice in my mouth as I’ve done many times before.

However, when I bit into this slice, my mouth flooded with juice.

It leaked from the corners of my lips and filled my cheeks like soup.

I forced it down my throat with fear, fear of drowning on land.

I chewed vehemently, but it never seemed to end.

I reached for her hand.

At once, I noticed she too had been suffocating with a mouth full of orange slice.

Our eyes met in solidarity, willingness and fright.

We agreed then that we would rather drown than spit.

Our bodies sticky, wet, and lifeless.

Mouths full of Orange.

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Talaya McCain

I am a neuro-chemical that triggers levels of dopamine and norepinephrine to increase.... Spotify: @talayamccain