Mini review of GL.iNet Slate (GL-AR750S-Ext)

3 min readSep 13, 2018


GL.iNet last device is quite interesting : a very small router with 3 Gigabit Ethernet ports, WiFi ac and with OpenWRT for less than 70$ : GL.iNet Slate (GL-AR750S-Ext) (update : now available on Amazon Europe websites at ~74 €, now 94 € :( ).

How small is GL-AR750S ?

GL.iNet Slate is small as payment card :

But maybe a little too small : device is (very?) hot without heavy load. Not sure it’s a good thing.

Gigabit really ?

3 Gigabit Ethernet ports are available. It’s possible to choose how 3th port work : as WAN or as LAN port.

To see if router get Gigabit routing capacity, so let’s do a IPv4 NAT bandwith speedtest :

At least 890 Mbps is possible through IPv4 NAT of GL.iNet Slate

So, it’s a good performance.

WiFi performance : basic but sufficient

2.4 GHz and 5 GHz are available but it’s only WiFi ac 750 but it’s enough to get WiFi ac and 5 GHz for this size of device.

300Mbps (2.4GHz) + 433Mbps (5GHz)

WiFi 5 GHz speedtest

OpenWRT, it’s complicated ! GL.iNet provide lightweight interface

OpenWRT provide many functionalities but it maybe a little too complicated for everyone. GL.iNet provide on Slate a simplified GUI with essential functionalities available. OpenWRT is also available in the same time for advanced users.

Slate simplified GUI

Other features

Phone tethering
  • type of device behavior can be easily switched between router, access point, extender and WDS
  • USB 2.0 for 4G modem or phone tethering. Speedtest without 4G optimisation in tethering mode with HTC 10 :
  • microSD reader to extend functionalities with OpenWRT or to share files. 128 Gb max microSD are supported.
  • OpenVPN client and server, easy to configure with Slate simplified GUI (also WireGuard available)
  • failover between WAN (USB / Ethernet)
  • DNS tools : own DNS server address for clients can be used. Others tools : “Override DNS Settings for All Clients (ie: Chromecast, box)”, DNS over TLS with CloudFlare
  • 3 LED indicators : WiFi 2,4 GHz, WiFi 5 GHz and device OK
  • switch button is available on router and can be used to quickly enable or disable OpenVPN client connection

More informations :

Nota : I have purchased the GL.iNet GL-AR750S (in pre release process for 65$).



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