How I Cracked the Code to AdSense Approval(approved on my 8 websites)

Lessons learned from getting approved for AdSense 8 times over

Manish Dangi
3 min readDec 21, 2023
Image: Author Gmail

Don’t judge me arrogant from the title of this post — I know proclaiming how easy it is for me to get Google AdSense approval may come across that way.

But after blogging for the last 5 years, the process truly has become second nature.

I remember when I first started out, AdSense approval seemed mystifying — something only the blogging elite could obtain.

I applied multiple times only to face rejection after rejection.

But I learned from my mistakes, educated myself on Google’s strict policies, and tried again.

Through trial and error, I crafted sites that align with the AdSense program’s expectations.

I focused on creating valuable content that engages readers. And wouldn’t you know, my recent applications sailed through approvals.

Now I currently have AdSense enabled on 8 successful sites targeting US audiences.

Paid WordPress themes definitely helped convey legitimacy and quality to reviewers. But good content was still the core foundation.

So don't go for paid just write genuine and informative.

I know that, how can i manage these, since i am one person only.

The answers is — i use AI writer to help to write.(not all time but sometimes)

I use Koala AI writer to write my article.

I won’t name those sites though.

A few bad apples have vindictively clicked my ads to try getting my accounts disabled.

And I can’t risk losing my hard-earned approvals now! You’ll just have to take my word for it from the screenshots.

Image: Author Adsense Dashboard

The main lesson I want to impart is don’t get hung up solely on getting approved.

Build sites with genuine value, traffic and engagement at their core. AdSense should be secondary.

Oh and steer clear of AI-generated content with no editing. I’ve seen good sites tank their rankings that way. Write what provides true help to readers.

If you focus on those aspects, over time Google will recognize your contributions.

And those once-elusive AdSense approvals will come far easier than you imagined. That I can now guarantee from experience.

Now its your turn….

Getting approved for AdSense requires building a quality website that provides value for users.

Google looks for sites with unique, well-written content that engages visitors.

They want sites that are attractive, easy to navigate, and fast loading. Having relevant, reputable ads that enhance the user experience also helps.

But the key is producing content that people actually want to read or watch.

So go ahead…

