How Much I Earn in 2023 on the Internet(hint: can buy a BMW)

Manish Dangi
3 min readJan 11, 2024


Where do I even begin?

I still remember when I first stumbled into blogging and affiliate marketing about 3 years ago.

It was completely by chance — I was watching some YouTube videos and came across people sharing how they make money online.

I was instantly curious! Could I make money simply by writing articles and promoting products on my own blogs?

I decided I had nothing to lose by giving it a try.

I started my very first blog on a whim, writing posts about topics I enjoyed like technology and digital marketing.

And to my surprise, after a few months, I began to make my first few dollars here and there!

I was shocked that my little hobby blog could generate any income at all.

Over time, as I learned more tips and strategies, I expanded — building more niche sites and optimizing them for organic search and affiliate promotions.

Fast forward to today, and I now manage over 8 blogs!

Some I own myself, and some are sites I manage for clients.

But all satisfy my love for writing while allowing me to profit from home.

And that’s the beauty I’ve found in blogging and affiliate marketing — the flexibility.

I get to set my schedule, work from the comforts of home, and explore my interests, all while getting paid for it!

Many mornings I’ll wake up, put on pajamas and grab a cup of tea, then sit down at my desk to start writing and managing my sites.

No commute, no boss — just me, my blogs, and a steady stream of income.

This past year my online income really took off!

I earned around $48k just from affiliate promotions, plus another $9,500 from display ads and sponsored posts on my sites — so roughly $1,500 per month there.

lets take a look at these earnings:

Snapshot: Earning form Jan 07 to Dec 31, 2023
Snapshot: Adsense earning

I also get some sponsorships for my websites and Instagram pages too.(I just lost UPI and PayPal payment screenshots).

All said, my online income totaled about $60k in 2023! Not too shabby considering I work for myself on my own schedule.

My goal now is to break 6 figures in 2024!

So I am not a PRO marketer or whatever, but the thing is I am still learning.


Ambitious I know, but I learned to never underestimate the power of blogging.

So wish me luck! I’d also love to hear how much you or others earned online this past year.

This community and its success stories are what inspired me to push outside my comfort zone. And I’m so grateful I took that first leap!

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