I Completed 1000 Views Per Day- no Partner Program but still writing!

From blank page to 1K

Manish Dangi
5 min readDec 27, 2023
Image: Author Medium Dashboard

My eyes were glued to the screen, watching as the view count on my Medium article ticked higher and higher.

When it crossed 1,000, I leapt from my chair shouting with joy and disbelief.

After 2 months of effort writing and publishing daily on the platform, I had finally hit a major milestone.

As a writer without access to Medium’s Partner Program in my country, this achievement meant everything to me.

The monetary rewards weren’t available, but the responses from my loyal followers were all the motivation I needed.

Their encouragement pushed me through days of writer’s block and self-doubt. And now here I was, seeing the fruits of my dedication.

I decided I would tell the story of how I made it to 1K views. This is my journey.

My journey to 1K views

When I first started writing on Medium back in October, I was a complete novice.

The platform was foreign to me, and filling a blank page with compelling words did not come naturally.

But I made a commitment to myself to write one article every single day(or sometimes two) — no matter what.

The first week felt intimidating. Generating ideas was often frustrating, and several times I almost gave up….

But no….

I pushed through and hit “publish” every day.

Slowly, the pieces started resonating with readers. I received my first few “Claps” and responses, fueling my motivation.

Over the subsequent months, I wrote over 130 articles and gained over 700 dedicated followers.

It was incredible looking back at the journey: all the days I battled writer’s block yet prevailed by putting my thoughts into words.

All the evenings I edited pieces after a long day because I cared deeply about producing quality content.

And most of all, all the readers who came back each day, showing support and loyalty even without money changing hands.

Consistency and regular posting

They say success comes from consistent effort, and my Medium journey proves this wisdom right.

Back when I was starting out those first few challenging weeks, I made sure to write without fail every single day.

Knowing my tendency to lose motivation, I set rules for myself: Establish a writing time you adhere to daily.

Don’t make excuses with errands — write first. Sit down and focus even on the days you feel completely uninspired.

And amazingly, I began seeing progress. The more I wrote, the more writing came naturally to me.

Ideas seemed to emerge fully formed almost magically as I developed this “writing muscle”.

My followers responded too; despite no monetary incentive, their steady support and commentary around my pieces told me I was producing work of value.

Just look at the words from

Gayatri singh …😍😍

Comment Section Author

Now when I look back at over 130 published articles since October and over 700 dedicated followers, I’m amazed and proud of what disciplined effort can achieve.

My journey of consistency continues as I keep my rules: write daily, no matter what.

The Impact of Medium’s Partner Program

While being in Medium’s Partner Program isn’t currently an option for me without access in my country, I’d be lying if I said the concept of earning money from my writing hasn’t impacted me significantly.

When I see viral pieces published by other writers in the program, I’ll admit I feel twinges of jealousy.

Had some of my successful articles been eligible, I can envision myself earning over $300.

That type of monetary compensation would be incredible validation after all the hard work I’ve put into crafting each piece.

But at the end of the day, while income potential is nice, it’s not what truly drives me.

My 700+ loyal followers, who engage with my content simply because it provides value, are all the validation I need.

Knowing my writing makes a difference in even a few lives gives me immeasurable satisfaction I don’t think any dollar amount could replace.

I’m choosing to stay positive and focus on the privilege of having an audience at all, money or not.

My journey is only just beginning — with over 1000 followers now, I have an opportunity to impact more lives than ever, one daily post at a time.

Looking Beyond Monetary Rewards

When I first joined Medium, I’ll admit a small part of me was tantalized by the prospect of earning money from articles.

So when I realized the Partner Program wasn’t available in my country, disappointment initially set in.

But developing my writer’s voice and forging connections with my readership quickly took priority over chasing monetary success.

Their loyal feedback and commentary make every late night spent crafting posts worthwhile, regardless of income.

Being able to share my unique experiences while resonating with others through writing is profoundly fulfilling in itself.

Of course, I can’t deny that some extra income would be nice too!

But my focus extends far beyond that. My journey continues to be about impact first and foremost.

If I can inspire or inform or entertain or comfort even one person with my words each day, that is a success I take deep pride in.

in final words…

Reflecting on my writer’s journey, that vivid memory of hitting 1000 views will forever be a special moment representing the culmination of everything I worked for.

The many late nights battling writer’s block… The commitment to stick to a publishing schedule no matter what… The slowly accumulating encouragements from early followers that gave me confidence.

While not having access to Medium’s Partner Program certainly presents challenges, the connections I’m forging more than make up for it.

My loyal readers drive and motivate me daily in ways no paycheck ever could.

I know my journey is just getting started too. Consistent effort is key, but so is adaptability.

My goals now are to continue nurturing my writing habits, broaden my readership beyond 1000 followers, and find all the myriad of ways I can keep making an impact with my words alone.

It may be a lot of work, but to me it hardly feels like work at all. When passion fuels the effort, monetary rewards fade into the background.

I’m excited to see where this passion takes me on Medium and beyond.

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