I Wrote Every Day for 100 Days on Medium(guess my earningšŸ¤‘)

My income will shock you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Manish Dangi
4 min readJan 10, 2024

I Wrote Every Day for 100 Days on Mediumā€¦.YES

I honestly canā€™t believe itā€™s been 100 days since I started this writing journey.

Looking back now, itā€™s just crazy to see how far Iā€™ve come.

I mean, when I first began, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

But here I am 100 days later, and I seriously could not be happier with the incredible results Iā€™ve achieved.

The Power of Consistent Writing

I used to really struggle with writing consistently.

Some days I would write a lot, while other days I wouldnā€™t write at all. But then I realized that if I wanted to be successful as a writer, I needed to develop a steady writing routine.

So, I made a commitment to write every single day, no matter what.

So I wrote 179 stories..

Snapshot of author Medium states

let me tell you, it has paid off big time!

By writing consistently, I have been able to grow my skills so much.

My writing has improved, well, by a ton.

I feel like my stories flow way more smoothly now, and Iā€™m able to clearly get my message across.

On top of that, putting out content on a regular basis has grown my readership a crazy amount. I mean, just look at the number of fans and followers I have now!

Snapshot of author Medium states
Snapshot of author Medium states(from Jan 1 to Jan 9)

Itā€™s allowed me to position myself as an expert in my niche.

And, get this ā€” it has led to some awesome financial success too.

Like, I actually get paid good money to write now.

So yeah, Iā€™m definitely a believer in the power of consistent writing!

The Impact on Growth and Earnings

Either there is no partner program so I am not able to earn a single penny..

but it's fineā€¦šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Thanks to embracing consistent writing, Iā€™ve seen huge growth personally.

Let me break it down for youā€¦

For one, it has totally transformed how others see me. By steadily producing valuable content, Iā€™ve been able to build a stellar reputation as a writer.

I mean, people know they can count on me to deliver quality work. This credibility has led to way more opportunities coming my way.

Plus, all this consistent practice has helped me improve my skills dramatically.

I can honestly say Iā€™ve grown so much as a writer, well beyond what I imagined was possible.

My stories grab attention and persuade readers. I mean, just look at all my viral posts! So now I have no shortage of exciting, high-paying clients and gigs.

Snapshot of author Medium states

And you know what else? By putting myself and my writing out there on the regular, Iā€™ve made connections with tons of awesome, like-minded people.

We support each other, share opportunities, and collaborate.

So yeah, Iā€™d say embracing consistent writing has worked out pretty darn well for me!

Overcoming Inconsistency: Strategies and Solutions

I totally get it ā€” writing consistently is hard work! Trust me, I struggled a lot in the beginning.

Some days I just felt zero motivation or inspiration to write.

Other times I let distractions completely throw me off track. It was rough for a while there!

But eventually, through trial and error, I figured out some go-to strategies for overcoming inconsistency.

And let me tell ya, these tips were complete game-changers!

First things first, I set a reliable writing routine that I stick to no matter what.

Rain or shine, Monday through Friday, I carve out time to write. This routine keeps me anchored.

I also started setting really specific writing goals and deadlines for myself.

Having measurable targets to hit gives me something to work towards. And knowing readers rely on me puts pressure on in a good way.

So by putting these strategies into play, Iā€™ve totally crushed inconsistency and maintained steady writing momentum.

And let me tell ya, it feels amazing!

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