Medium Partner Program India, Brazil, and Thailand — Hope for January 2024

Is it launching in January 2024?

Manish Dangi
Life Matters
3 min readDec 30, 2023


Snpapshot by Author (edited by Canva)

Good News is coming…but when?

Sitting at my desk on a sunny Saturday morning, I sipped my coffee and pondered the future of my writing career.

I had been eagerly awaiting the launch of Medium’s Partner Program in my country — India. I envisioned finally being able to earn a steady income from my passion for writing.

Medium’s CEO had just announced in a blog post that the Partner Program would expand to more countries in early 2024, including India, Brazil and Thailand!

Support for India, Brazil, and Thailand in the Medium Partner Program has been delayed due to unique legal and financial considerations in these countries.

The delay is necessary because transferring money to local banks in these countries involves different laws, conditions, and quirks. To manage the complexities of these transfers, Stripe will be used, but this will require a processor fee on every payout.

Image: Medium Blog

just look at the words.. “early 2024”

Hope they are launching it first or second month of 2024.

it was delayed multiple times….

I was puzzled. Why the delay?……

Especially when Twitter successfully rolled out its own Partner Program in India.

Additionally, the minimum payout amount will be at least $10, and it may be higher in some cases.

Despite the delay, Medium aims to eventually support these countries, along with many others, in their mission to make the platform more inclusive globally.

Was Medium facing challenges they weren’t letting on?

I tried not to worry. After all, there were still ways for me to make money from writing. I just needed to get creative.

First, I could sell ebooks on Medium. Although not my original plan, sharing my knowledge in ebook form allowed readers to access my content while providing me some income.

Next, I considered offering consultations in my niche. Drawing on my expertise to guide individuals and businesses could be done through personalized sessions.

I also explored creating an online video course. With video learning booming, this could be a profitable way to teach others using my specialized skills.

To grow in 2024, I knew focusing on viral storytelling was key — crafting compelling stories that tapped into trends and emotions.

I also immersed myself in reading and taking notes, steadily gathering ideas to fuel my writing.

And I focused on captivating readers through vivid descriptions and infusing my unique voice. By delivering engaging content, I could build a loyal following despite the Partner Program delays.

Although feeling uncertain about Medium’s changing plans, I realized perseverance and creativity were vital to succeed as a writer.

The path to monetizing my passion may look different than I envisioned, but with strategic thinking I could make writing pay off.

The future still looked bright.

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