The Day I Discovered My Passion for Writing

Manish Dangi
2 min readOct 22, 2023


Image: author

I remember the day I discovered my passion for writing like it was yesterday.

It was a sunny Saturday morning in the spring of my sophomore year of high school.

I had just finished breakfast when I decided to sit down and write in my journal, something I did every so often but not regularly.

As I started writing about my thoughts and feelings, the words seemed to flow from my mind down through my hand and onto the page. I filled several pages without even realizing how much time had passed. When I finally set my pen down and looked at the clock, I was shocked to see that over an hour had gone by.

I read back over what I had written and was amazed at how clearly I had been able to articulate my innermost thoughts and emotions. It felt cathartic and liberating to get the words out of my head and onto paper.

For the first time,

I realized how much I enjoyed the process of writing itself.

From that point on, I started writing in my journal every day. The more I wrote, the more comfortable I became with expressing myself through the written word.

I started experimenting with different styles of writing like poetry, short stories, and descriptive essays. I joined the school newspaper so I would have an outlet to publish my work.

When it came time to start thinking about college majors, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to pursue writing.

Nothing felt more natural to me than conveying my perspective through well-crafted words and sentences. Though I dabbled in other subjects, my passion for writing never waned.

Now, as a professional* writer, I look back on that sunny Saturday morning as the day my true calling first revealed itself to me.

Discovering my love for writing set me on a course that has led me to a creatively fulfilling career. Whenever I pick up my pen or sit down at my computer to write, I feel that same sense of joy and purpose that washed over me as a teenager putting my inner world into words for the very first time.

For me, writing will always be more than just a hobby — it is the way I have found to share my unique voice with the world.



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